Injured but still trying to exorcise?

I'm in a bit of a pickle with this one....I recently tore up my shoulder real bad and I'm limited on what I can to to walking on a treadmill (still not recommended by doctor) and sitting on a stationary bike for about 45 min....I'd like to do something fun that isn't high impact on the shoulders but keeps the heart rate up.

For those wondering what kind of strange doctors I'm seeing, I'm in the military and they have restricted me to the exorcises above....I have the Kinect for Xbox and was possibly thinking the Zumba game but I don't really know how that works.

Any thoughts would be appreciated and advice even more so.



  • snc1019
    snc1019 Posts: 17 Member
    I usually do an interval workout on the recumbent bike on days when my body needs a little bit of rest. I just make sure I have something good to read while I'm doing it ;-) the bike will get your HR up, too.
  • hstallings13
    I agree with the bike, you don't want to rush the shoulder or you could end up making it worse and being down even longer.
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    The main thing to do is to avoid sitting or lying around all day. Go for walks. And do more bicycle. And when you get the green light for it, go to physio therapy at a sports medicine clinic. Those guys will have you up and at it more than the traditional doctors will. The therapist will give you exercises that will help you heal faster.
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Kick boxing without the upper body, walking, climbing stairs, jumping invisible rope, squats. Is swimming okay? Modified Yoga?
  • jpatrickwinstead
    Definitely be careful with your shoulders. They're a very delicate joint and are essential to pretty much everything you do with your upper body. Losing a month or two of exercise is a small price to pay vs. a permanently messed up shoulder.

    Don't underestimate walking, though. It's better exercise than people think.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I find this interesting as I dislocated my shoulder 2.5 years ago tearing all of the ligament and cartilage in the armpit. I had a younger ortho doc who didn't want to do surgery if I could shore up the muscles. I went through about 3 months of PT where they had me doing all kinds of exercises with weights, bands, and an arm bike. Needless to say, I still haven't had the surgery and haven't had an episode where I've popped it out in over a year and a half due to keeping up with the other muscles. I'd say maybe see a specialist and see what they say. Keeping it still can make the muscles atrophy QUICK and then you'll have a lot harder time getting back to normal. Good luck!
  • Bluejay789
    Walk. Race walk.. walking as fast as you can for short burst and then slow down for 5 10 seconds and then walk real fast again. It will raise you heart rate and you will loose

    When you say you are in the military, have they sent you to an ortho physcian or are you seeing the general practioner on base?

    Shoulder injuries are real serious as I code ortho all day long. You really need to see a specialist. Which might to perform an an arthroscopy which is a diagnostic test in which they insert a microsopic camera into the shoulder and review the compartment to determine the actual damage or tears. Note" They sedate you during the procedure.

    Sorry for getting off the subject of exercising but this is serious and I know military bases, physicians and their practices. First husband was a Marine. Go to the base see the regular physicians and get a referral to ortho so you can get proper medical attention.

    By the way, I lost the first 10 pounds walking/race walking.

    You can walk and still get your heart rate up without causing further injury to your shoulder.

    Best of luck .... Claire
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Do what your doctor tells you. S/he is the expert. Listen to them.