Lifting belt.

What do they do?
Will it improve my lifting?
Do i NEED one?
I currently lift unbelted at around 105kg for my 1 rep max and I tend to lift working sets at around 80-90kg. I weigh 77kg
I have been thinking about getting a belt to maybe help push through that 110kg plateau and support my core when I squat etc especially as I had a baby 4 months ago.
I don’t want to become reliant on a belt and only really wish to use it every now and again for support.


  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Improve your lifting? Depends on your programming and goals.

    I have nearly all my lifters use a belt only once a week for deads and squats and lift beltless for the other variations of each. Tho there is no certain rule as you have to wear one or you can't wear one for everything.

    A belt isn't magical in the sense it makes you lift heavier or push through a goal on it's own.

    You still should be using the Valsalva maneuver regardless.

    A belt is a tool if used within intelligently written programming that you respond to robustly can be helpful.

  • happysquatter
    happysquatter Posts: 91 Member
    They give you an external support to push against once you have performed valsalva and braced for the lift. In essence, increasing intra-abdominal pressure

    It might help you improve your one rep max but is not a given

    If you need one depends on how often you lift close to your 1RM and exceeding 90%. It is an insurance in case you have a bad moment

    That said, you are right in the approach of only using it on occasion when your program pushes you closer to 100% intensity
  • kimspearey
    kimspearey Posts: 19 Member
    That’s what I was thinking happysquatter- I think I may benefit from occasional use when I am pushing to that 100%.
    I lift quite happily beltless but feel I do hold back somewhat and a belt may help with that.
    I’m Under no illusions that I will suddenly be lifting 150khjust because Ive got a belt on. Lol.
    Thanks for the advice guys
  • musclebuilder
    musclebuilder Posts: 324 Member
    Spud 3 ply deadlift belt. Can't go wrong with that belt. You'll feel the difference when you put it on. Use it when you think you can benefit from it.