Anyone doing keto?



  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,088 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2020
    psychod787 wrote: »

    Don't worry, there is Keto bread these days! So boom!!! Lol
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    carakirkey wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »

    The biggest thing you should do is increase salt intake,

    Why Increase salt intake? Wouldn't that be a concern for increasing blood pressure?
    Bc on keto your body is not holding water so you up your salt just a tad. At least that’s how one person I know irl whose done keto for a year explain it
  • asellitti6523
    asellitti6523 Posts: 37 Member
    edited March 2020
    psuLemon wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    When I restarted calorie counting, I decided to try Keto. Not so much to eat fat, which from habit, I usually don't partake of, but to minimize intake of sugar, salt and processed foods (which have so many calories compared to the whole food it tries to mimic). I drink more water. I have lost about 8 lbs in about 6 weeks. I can eat this way for life. I really enjoy veggies and fruit, and I typically eat turkey, chicken and beans for protein, pass on beef and pork 95% of the time. I want to get back to a healthy BMI, and stop taking bp meds.

    I don't understand how you would do keto while avoiding fat. Keto is basically 25% protein, 10% carb (some do less), and the rest fat.

    I also don't get how one would fit in much fruit on keto. I tried it for a while (and am not negative about it, although it was not for me), and found that with the amount of veg I like to eat, and even at a higher carb limit than most do, I couldn't fit in any other carbs besides a serving or two of nuts or seeds and occasional plain greek yogurt (which is processed, but has a totally reasonable number of cals IMO). I know I eat a pretty high amount of veg, but even people who eat less usually can't fit in more fruit beyond a small serving of berries.

    I also don't think any beans besides black soybeans would fit into a keto diet. One reason I decided it was not for me, other than missing fruit, is that I was eating more animal products than I like for protein, since beans and lentils were out.

    Your diet sounds healthy, but I suspect it may not be what we usually talk about as keto. (Which isn't a bad thing.)

    A keto diet only requires carb restriction. It can certainly be high protein. Bodybuilders have been doing it for years.

    And depending on your activity levels, you can fit in a good amount of berries (especially Raspberries and Blackberries). There are several people that can be in ketosis at 80-100g. Some people like cyclist or runners can even be upwards of 200g. So not the average but its possible.

    A Keto diet is based on putting your body in a state of ketosis to use fat for fuel rather than carbohydrates. If you overdo protein and miscalculate your other macros you are never going to get your body in ketosis. A low/no carb diet is not inherently "Keto". Now if you would say your are doing a Keto-like diet based on low carb and incorporating Keto recipes into many of your meals that would be fair but to suggest that the only thing that makes a diet Keto is carb restriction is just flat out false.
  • asellitti6523
    asellitti6523 Posts: 37 Member
    edited March 2020
    Been doing keto for a few years now. I got a lil lazy around Christmas so just now starting strict keto again to get back on track.
    Keto is NOT a diet fad, it is a way of eating, going back to the way our ancestors did. No processed foods, no sugar. It's really quiet simple.
    I am new to the forums but am hoping to be on a few times a week, hope I can give some tips/advice.

    That is not Keto and no your ancestors did not eat Keto. Our ancestors ate a lot of fruits and grains, neither of which are Keto friendly foods. I think you are confusing the Paleo diet and Keto. Keto is low carb, high fat, moderate protein. The Paleo diet stresses no processed foods and minimal to no refined sugars. Everyday there are more and more processed Keto friendly foods popping up all over the place.
  • fostersworld
    fostersworld Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2020
    Been on keto for a bit, lost weight, feel GOOD. Done juice fests, been vegan for 6 months, done it all.. out of all of them, it makes me feal the best. It rocks not to be hungry all the time. Its a NO stress way of living, once your in ketosis, it stops being a diet. Good luck, keep it simple. As you go, clean it up, meaning less dairy and ez stuff, get your micro-nutrients in (veggies, fish, nuts, healthy oils). PS, costco has keto bread now.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    lemurcat2 wrote: »
    When I restarted calorie counting, I decided to try Keto. Not so much to eat fat, which from habit, I usually don't partake of, but to minimize intake of sugar, salt and processed foods (which have so many calories compared to the whole food it tries to mimic). I drink more water. I have lost about 8 lbs in about 6 weeks. I can eat this way for life. I really enjoy veggies and fruit, and I typically eat turkey, chicken and beans for protein, pass on beef and pork 95% of the time. I want to get back to a healthy BMI, and stop taking bp meds.

    I don't understand how you would do keto while avoiding fat. Keto is basically 25% protein, 10% carb (some do less), and the rest fat.

    I also don't get how one would fit in much fruit on keto. I tried it for a while (and am not negative about it, although it was not for me), and found that with the amount of veg I like to eat, and even at a higher carb limit than most do, I couldn't fit in any other carbs besides a serving or two of nuts or seeds and occasional plain greek yogurt (which is processed, but has a totally reasonable number of cals IMO). I know I eat a pretty high amount of veg, but even people who eat less usually can't fit in more fruit beyond a small serving of berries.

    I also don't think any beans besides black soybeans would fit into a keto diet. One reason I decided it was not for me, other than missing fruit, is that I was eating more animal products than I like for protein, since beans and lentils were out.

    Your diet sounds healthy, but I suspect it may not be what we usually talk about as keto. (Which isn't a bad thing.)

    A keto diet only requires carb restriction. It can certainly be high protein. Bodybuilders have been doing it for years.

    And depending on your activity levels, you can fit in a good amount of berries (especially Raspberries and Blackberries). There are several people that can be in ketosis at 80-100g. Some people like cyclist or runners can even be upwards of 200g. So not the average but its possible.

    A Keto diet is based on putting your body in a state of ketosis to use fat for fuel rather than carbohydrates. If you overdo protein and miscalculate your other macros you are never going to get your body in ketosis. A low/no carb diet is not inherently "Keto". Now if you would say your are doing a Keto-like diet based on low carb and incorporating Keto recipes into many of your meals that would be fair but to suggest that the only thing that makes a diet Keto is carb restriction is just flat out false.

    That isn't true. That is the non sense that is being promoted by those following modified ketogenic diets. Ketosis occurs during starvation and carb restriction. You can have high protein and still be in ketosis. That is fact.

    There is no evidence, literally zero, that high proteins preventing ketosis. There is anecdotal evidence based on urine sticks and ketones meters due to acute suppression in ketones.

  • Saturncap10
    Saturncap10 Posts: 26 Member
    carakirkey wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »

    The biggest thing you should do is increase salt intake,

    Why Increase salt intake? Wouldn't that be a concern for increasing blood pressure?
    Bc on keto your body is not holding water so you up your salt just a tad. At least that’s how one person I know irl whose done keto for a year explain it


    According to Dr Eric Berg, keto expert.
    It has to be either sea salt like Himalayan or Celtic salt. If you sweat excessively you lose electrolytes and need to replace with salt. These salts have up to 70 trace minerals unlike table salt which has 2. 1 teaspoon per day is recommended dissolve in water.but when fastin take it over the course of the day. It works with other minerals within your body.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »

    Don't worry, there is Keto bread these days! So boom!!! Lol

    Yea but it tastes NASTY! At least the one I paid $12 a loaf for🤷the low carb tortillas are awesome tho👍
  • IamBorg
    IamBorg Posts: 49 Member
    I've been "lazy keto" off and on for about a year. My body likes keto and lazy keto, my brain and cravings feel differently lol.

    I don't do fat bombs at all. I think those are great for the more straight sized folks who are doing keto. In other communities, I've read "carbs are a limit, protein is a goal, and fat is what it is" or something like that. So not restricting anything other than carbs, and trying to get in the right amount of protein, and not restricting fat or trying to reach a certain amount of fat.

    For me that's meant that I use butter when I want, however much I want. But I don't put it in coffee (I seriously don't get how that tastes good, but I do put butter on steak when I reheat it in the microwave to prevent it drying and others think that's disgusting so yeah). I put it on veggies, use olive oil when making eggs, put cheese on everything I like with cheese, and don't eat anything that's artificially 'low fat'.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    whitpauly wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »

    Don't worry, there is Keto bread these days! So boom!!! Lol

    Yea but it tastes NASTY! At least the one I paid $12 a loaf for🤷the low carb tortillas are awesome tho👍

    I wonder if it's as bad as the gluten free bread I used to get years ago. I'm not gluten intolerant or anything I just wanted to try it and as a bread it was straight up awful. It was heavy and dense and chewy. Ugh!


    It made outstanding toast. Once you put it in a toaster it went cooked up wonderfully. The denseness really worked in it's favour and made for delicious crispy toast =)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Danp wrote: »
    whitpauly wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »

    Don't worry, there is Keto bread these days! So boom!!! Lol

    Yea but it tastes NASTY! At least the one I paid $12 a loaf for🤷the low carb tortillas are awesome tho👍

    I wonder if it's as bad as the gluten free bread I used to get years ago. I'm not gluten intolerant or anything I just wanted to try it and as a bread it was straight up awful. It was heavy and dense and chewy. Ugh!


    It made outstanding toast. Once you put it in a toaster it went cooked up wonderfully. The denseness really worked in it's favour and made for delicious crispy toast =)

    It could have been the brand too. I have made some good keto breads, muffins and other desserts.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited March 2020
    I just got some "keto friendly" high fiber tortilla's from (11g carbs - 8g fiber = 3 net carbs, keywords=la tortilla factory high fibre whole wheat tortillas)

    I would call them on the more expensive than not side @ $5.79 CAD, USD$4.28 per 10-pack.

    Edible, a bit dry not to the touch but while eating, but not too bad for 70 Cal to use as a wrapper. Would prefer high fibre Wasa crackers for other applications.

    BTW I am not doing either keto or low carb. They just happened to catch my eye because they were low cal and high fiber!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2020
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    I just got some "keto friendly" high fiber tortilla's from (11g carbs - 8g fiber = 3 net carbs, keywords=la tortilla factory high fibre whole wheat tortillas)

    I would call them on the more expensive than not side @ $5.79 CAD, USD$4.28 per 10-pack.

    Edible, a bit dry not to the touch but while eating, but not too bad for 70 Cal to use as a wrapper. Would prefer high fibre Wasa crackers for other applications.

    BTW I am not doing either keto or low carb. They just happened to catch my eye because they were low cal and high fiber!

    I personally prefer La Banderita. 5 net carbs and taste is pretty close to the real thing. Even my wife likes them and she doesn't like "diet" foods.

    647 makes a pretty good low carb bread. Its 6 net carbs per slice and taste like standard Italian bread.
  • appalachian_gigi
    appalachian_gigi Posts: 36 Member
    I really like it!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    edited March 2020
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I personally prefer La Banderita. 5 net carbs and taste is pretty close to the real thing. Even my wife likes them and she doesn't like "diet" foods.

    647 makes a pretty good low carb bread. Its 6 net carbs per slice and taste like standard Italian bread.

    Remember is not quite the same as :wink:

    La Banderita Tortillas is minimum order 4x 8pack of 8" (360g each) at $61.94 with shipping included and arriving March 18 to 23. at only $43 per kg!

    Mama Lupe 36g 60Cal (50% from fat), 3g fat, 7g C -4g Fibre, 6g protein is coming in at JUST CAD $72.22 per kg!!!

    My lowly, somewhat dry to the taste, La Tortilla Factory is coming in at $16.08 per kg with shipping.

    I'm OK with somewhat dry -- and under $20 per kg -- heck: sigh me up for under $10 per kg if you can find me one! :wink:

    * no hit on 647
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I personally prefer La Banderita. 5 net carbs and taste is pretty close to the real thing. Even my wife likes them and she doesn't like "diet" foods.

    647 makes a pretty good low carb bread. Its 6 net carbs per slice and taste like standard Italian bread.

    Remember is not quite the same as :wink:

    La Banderita Tortillas is minimum order 4x 8pack of 8" (360g each) at $61.94 with shipping included and arriving March 18 to 23. at only $43 per kg!

    Mama Lupe 36g 60Cal (50% from fat), 3g fat, 7g C -4g Fibre, 6g protein is coming in at JUST CAD $72.22 per kg!!!

    My lowly, somewhat dry to the taste, La Tortilla Factory is coming in at $16.08 per kg with shipping.

    I'm OK with somewhat dry -- and under $20 per kg -- heck: sigh me up for under $10 per kg if you can find me one! :wink:

    * no hit on 647

    In my area, i have 8 different grocery stores, with about 20-25 total in 5 mile radius.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,940 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    In my area, i have 8 different grocery stores, with about 20-25 total in 5 mile radius.

    WHAT? You expect me to expend time in the bread isle? Checking out labels? While carrying my baskets full of Yogurt and frozen veggies? Nah, I usually pick up the occasional box of WASA or Ryvita or what have you, or some white sandwich bread in long life packaging for the flat-mate.

    A few years back, when I was starting out on MFP, I had looked for the fabled 50, 60 and 70Cal tortillas that I kept reading about in other peoples' logs. Never found them at my local grocery stores (Safeway / IGA, SaveOn, Walmart, Choices--one or two of each--within walking distance, Real Canadian Superstore too with a few minutes drive). The closest thing I found in the "regular store" sections was some weight watcher's bread... low cals achieved by slicing normal bread extra thin.

    One or two of the super healthy and what have you specialty breads you guys have down south (don't remember the exact ones, Dave's killer breads I think were one of them but not sure), were available frozen at $9.99 a loaf. Don't know about you, but I'm not willing to pay 3x the going rate of a normal loaf for frozen goodness :smiley: (not sure if it was actually Dave's bread, as I just searched for it at save-on and it came up @ $5.99 on sale ($6.59 regular) which is not the $8.99 and $9.99 price I remember)

    Anyway. TL/dr: if my fellow Canucks know of low cal breads that are generally available at grocery stores at semi reasonable prices... I am all ears :smiley:
  • cmhart5085
    cmhart5085 Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve been doing Keto for a few days. I want to know what to expect in the coming weeks and any good recipes...

    I found it was too fatty for my tastes .. but good luck