Rock That Dress Challenge! (Closed Group)

Welcome to the Rock That Dress Challenge! I'm glad you're here! It's time for us to begin :-) Remember that we'll post our calories burned daily and weigh-in once a week on Saturday's. We'll also post our new daily and weekly goals on a weekly basis. Once every two weeks, we'll post our measurement losses. At the beginning of our second week, I'll post our first challenge! This 10 week "Rock That Dress Challenge" will end on November 12th (the date of our local Marine Corps Birthday Ball), unless you all vote to continue it up to thanksgiving, the holidays, etc. Then, I want you all to celebrate your achievements by buying yourself a new dress and posting pictures of you and your sweetheart! You CAN do it!!!!


  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    SW: 165
    November 12th GW: 150
    DAILY GOAL: To stay within my calorie limits and exercise 1 hour minimum per day.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 6 days this week. This includes: weightlifting 3x per week, power walk 2x per week, and do step aerobics 3x per week. Weight loss goal, to lose 1.5 pounds this week.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose 6 pounds this month.
    REST DAY: Probably Wednesday…
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks for setting this up. I love the banner you made with our names on it! Too cool!

    SW: 156.4
    November 12th GW: 155
    DAILY GOAL: To stay within my calorie limits and exercise 30 minutes minimum per day.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 6 days this week. This includes: jogging 3x per week,biking riding 1x per week, and going to the gym at least 3x per week.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose one inch around my waste, bust, and hips.
    REST DAY: Friday
  • Hey Girls! I am so ready to rock this dress!!! I hope this helps me stay on track! here are my goals
    SW: 202
    November 12th GW: 180
    DAILY GOAL: To stay within my calorie limits and drink plenty of water
    WEEKLY GOAL: excersise at least 30 mins 3x a week. Try to communicate my frusturation instead of eating it.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: lose 8lbs.
    REST DAY: varies weekly with school and work schedule... this week will be monday!
  • RDH77
    RDH77 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ladies! And yes, thank you for setting up the group! I will post my measurements because I tend to lose inches before scale weight and need a good place to see progress.

    SW: 178
    November 12th GW: 170
    DAILY GOAL: To stay in calorie goal by eating healthy foods and workout for at least 30 mins per day.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 6 days this week. This includes: strength training MWF, and a cardio based exercise Tues Thur Sun.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose at least 3 lbs of fat or over an inch overall on measurements.
    REST DAY: Friday

    Baseline Measurements
    Bust: 38
    Waist: 34
    Hips: 44
    Thighs: 25 1/2
    Neck: 14
    Arms: 13 1/2
  • Oohh ladies, I'm excited to do this in a group so we can support & encourage each other! I haven't told ANYONE my weight, except my doctors, since medical issues threw me out of whack - not even my husband. I went from being a 97 pound, athletic, model to now being someone who was recently referred to as "a beautiful, big boned girl"...I'm not big boned.

    Here are my goals:
    SW: 208
    November 12th GW: 173
    DAILY GOAL: To walk 30 minutes a day, to watch my calorie limits, & learn to drink water .
    WEEKLY GOAL: To walk 30 minutes a day at least 5 days per week & include stretching for AS.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose 20 (I have my doctors okay.)
    REST DAY: I think Sunday will make the best rest day for me.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Neck: 14.5
    Bust: 40
    Arms: 15.5
    Waist: 36
    Hips: 45
    Thighs: 28
    BMI: 34.6
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Nov 12th GW-199
    DAILY GOAL- To walk 2miles, stay within my calorie goal and do 200-300 crunches
    WEEKLY GOAL- To walk 20 miles total, Stay in Cal goal EVERY DAY, 1000 Crunches total
    SEPTEMBER GOAL-To drop 6 lbs, survive my visit home without gaining more then 2 lbs, work out 20 days, enjoy my birthday!
    Rest day-Saturday (it's the only day I actually HAVE my husband home with me for the whole day!)
  • Hello ladies! Very excited to start my first MFP challenge!

    SW: 185.8
    November 12th GW: 165
    DAILY GOAL: To ride my bike as soon as I get up, keep up with my 30DS and to stay within my calories.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 6 days a week. I also want to do a workout from POP Pilates at least 3x a week.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: I'd like to lose 5lbs this month, but if I could just lose some inches from my arms and waist I'd be thrilled with that too!
    REST DAY: Sunday

    Measurements as of 08/31
    Neck - 14
    Arm - 13.25
    Bust- 41
    Waist - 33.25
    Hips - 42
    Butt - 44
    Thighs - 26
    Calves - 15
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Hey Ladies! So excited to get started and get back to me! I will post my soon as I find my darn tape measure!

    SW: 204.8
    GW: 179
    DAILY GOAL: Stay within my calories, LOG ALL FOOD!, make sure I am getting enough water ( I am a tea addict and usually drink more of it than water) look in the mirror and tell myself that I am doing it and that I will be successful!
    WEEKLY GOAL: Workout 6x per week, including Cardio/strength interval circuits 5 days a week and Bike/Tread/Elliptical/Rowing Machine 3-5x depending on schedules
    SEPTEMBER GOALS: lose 10 lbs this month, hopefully more :wink:
    REST DAY: Varies, but most likely Thursdays
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks for setting this up. I love the banner you made with our names on it! Too cool!

    SW: 156.4
    November 12th GW: 155
    DAILY GOAL: To stay within my calorie limits and exercise 30 minutes minimum per day.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 6 days this week. This includes: jogging 3x per week,biking riding 1x per week, and going to the gym at least 3x per week.
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose one inch around my waste, bust, and hips.
    REST DAY: Friday

    It's Saturday and I weighed in and took measurements. So I'd like to update and change my goal weight because I am on maintenance so I have a goal range instead.
    CW - 157.6
    November 12th GW range: 155-160
    September Goal: To lose 1/2 inch off my hips.

    Bust: 36
    Waist: 29
    Hips: 40
  • CindyLynn28
    CindyLynn28 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for setting everything up!

    SW: 162.8
    November 12th GW: 152.8

    DAILY GOALS: Log all food, Stay within calorie and sodium limits, and exercise at least 30 min. per day.
    WEEKLY GOAL: Exercise 5-6 days per week (Either Jillian Michael DVDs or elliptical)
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: Complete the Jillian Michael 30 Day Slimdown.
    REST DAY: Will vary depending on school schedule. Next two weeks it will be Wednesday, unsure of rest of month.

    Sept 3 Measurements:

    Neck: 13
    Wrist: 6
    Forearm: 10.5
    Upper arm: 12
    Bust: 36.5
    Chest: 33
    Waist at navel: 36
    Hips: 39.5
    Thighs: 23.5
    Calves: 15
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I just heard back from my sister-in-law, TwinMommy2CnC today. She was invited to the group a couple of days ago. So...I'd like to say a big WELCOME! Thanks for joining!
  • I am confused am I suppose to measure????
  • Hey excited about this challenge because my initial motivation to start losing weight was my cousin's wedding coming up in February. On my profile I said, "I want to be a hot mama and rock that bridesmaid dress! ;o) " how appropriate. I'm looking forward to giving and receiving encouragement through this challenge, so that we can rock that dress together!

    SW: 167
    GW for November 12: 150
    DAILY GOAL: Stay within my 1200 calories, exercise at least one hour a day, and drink at least 8 glasses of water
    WEEKLY GOAL: To exercise 6 days this week, either doing a morning and/or night walk 4 days. I want to do step aerobics 3 x. We are going out of town next weekend, so I am hoping that the hotel will have a gym, so that I can work out on some weight equipment too!
    SEPTEMBER GOAL: To lose 8 pounds and to walk 60 miles
    REST DAY: Probably Wednesday this week, since we are starting co-op that day.
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Met my workout goal for today already and it isn't even 1 here yet! over 800 burned :happy: not time for a shower and some lunch. Hope everyone is having a great workout today!
  • GypsysBlood
    GypsysBlood Posts: 42 Member
    Met my workout goal for today already and it isn't even 1 here yet! over 800 burned :happy: not time for a shower and some lunch. Hope everyone is having a great workout today!

    LMFAO!!!! that is supposed to say NOW not "not"
  • Burned 764 calories today! Ready to get up and do it all again tomorrow! Good night "Rock That Dress" Pals! :yawn:
  • Twinmommy how do you find time????
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    I am confused am I suppose to measure????

    You do need to take measurements to find out your baseline. Document those measurements on your weigh in page. You don't need to post them on the forum yet unless you want to. In two weeks, we'll post how much we've lost in our various measurements then we'll update measurements once every two weeks. It's fun watching those numbers go down, down, down! I like taking measurements because this will help motivate you when the scale isn't moving like you would like for it to (and vice versa). FYI, this is the tape measure that I use: You can get one similar to it at GNC and other health's super easy and you can do it one-handed. :-)
  • myboysmomx2
    myboysmomx2 Posts: 505 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I achieved my daily goal today. I worked out for 83 minutes and burned 531 calories doing "Gilad Step Aerobics using 6" step, 1 lb. weights & HRM - Includes toning for arms, chest, legs, glutes, & abs." I also stayed under my calorie goal :-)

    It looks like we've got a great start to our group. If any of you are like me though, I'm a huge football fan, and a lot of you may be out tailgating still. So, I check in on the forum tomorrow to see if everyone has posted from today...I'm sure today was busy for everyone! If I haven't heard from you yet, I'll contact you to see how you did.

    Sweet dreams!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    Went for a 45 minute run today, which exceeded my daily goal!