Trying to get my motivation back! Need some assitance!

Hey everyone!

I have been doing amazing on my weight loss journey, but I have not been to the gym in almost two weeks. I feel horrible about it, but I am sooo tired everyday and I just feel like sleeping. I did not just stop abruptly, my husband deployed and then I began my senior year of college all at the same time, so a bunch of stress was added in. Though he is gone, my schedule is hectic because of school. Even though I haven't exercised I have continued to loose weight because I am still watching my portions and all that jazz. I have been more tempted to dive into the sweets at work, I am an assistant at a childcare center, so the party's we have are not exactly nutritionally friendly! For the last two Mondays I have told myself to get off my @$$ and get moving, but I am just lacking the motivation I used to have. My husband does not mind the way I look, he loves my body. To be quite honest, and I am not saying this to brag, but I do not look like someone who weighs 231 lbs and the same for when I weighed 254, my doctor was in shock when she realized how much I weighed. I guess it is just how I carry my weight. I really just need some motivation in help! I want to be in a bikini next summer!! I was in one a couple of years ago at about 200 lbs and received a lot of compliments and no complaints, but it is just so hard to go to the gym instead of watching TV or doing my extreme amount of homework! Thank you in advance! And if there is any military wives out there feel free to share with how you "get moving" while the hubby is away!!! :)

"LNSDQ :-)"


  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    If you truly want this you just have to dig deep and go. Once you get there you are set, going to the gym is the hard part. Trust me I speak from experience we want people to motivate us, but we really have to motivate ourselves as well if we truly want this.

    It's been hard but today especially I just told myself no matter what I'm going and I'm doing at least 1.5 hours. Once I got in the gym the time was the easy part. It's just getting there. I can say I've been going for 6 weeks now and not missed a day. Not even with funerals and visitations going on. You just have to go, force yourself. You don't want to, but you still just need to make yourself go. Even if it's only for 30 minutes.
  • CindiBryce
    I feel horrible about it, but I am sooo tired everyday and I just feel like sleeping.
    But it is just so hard to go to the gym instead of watching TV or doing my extreme amount of homework!
    These are the problems. You feel horrible about it, yet you continue doing what makes you feel horrible simply because it is more convenient. Also, it is likely you feel tired because you don't exercise. (
    So my suggestion to you is to set your priorities straight. Obviously homework is important and it has to be done. But you can use your TV time for exercising.
  • agarris4
    I understand your point, but I am by no means a lazy person. As I said I work with children so I am constantly on the move. My only time to relax is when I get home and I do not really get to do that with all the homework I have. It is really hard to exercise while trying to type a
  • macylane4
    what cindi said is true..use your tv time! Watch tv, but work out during the matter what you do to keep moving is exercise!! I am the same as you...when I am 200 lbs people think I'm 140...I look thin! I dont care for the gym, but just tell yourself to just go...after you start working will want to finish your whole burn. Just put it on your schedule to go! I feel really sleepy and lazy all the time too...just eating right will help you lose weight, but youll end up with unwanted skin, and still have cellulite! Working out is the only way to have a sexy body!!!
    Good luck, and get to the gym...30 minutes or even 15...just go!
  • macylane4
    Hey you could do what reese witherspoon did in legally out while studying!!!!!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    I am not a military wife, however, some of my clients who have to deal with a spouse or loved one's deployment can fall into a depression and not even recognize it.. So 1) are you talking it out with someone when you are missing your hubby or sad- because that is important 2) When are you excercising? as a mother of 3, 1 full time job, 1 overnight part time job and finishing my last year of my pre-doctoral program... - I CANNOT excercise when I get home from all of my daily activities.. I am just too exhausted.. So I just started working out in the morning and it works better for me... 3) I ALWAYS bring my own yummy 'healthy' snacks to work and family events when I know there is going to be a party or else- I WILL indulge.. preparation is key...
    Lastly- your priorities need to be checked... Is your weight loss a priority? If not- then youwill continue to slack up even more.. You just have to do it.. No thinking, no excuses.. just get up and work out! :)
    Good Luck!
  • krcorn5592
    I do my exercises at home while watching tv..... try doing things like squats, using a jump rope if you can (I don't even have a jump rope but pretend I do), I aso blare the music and just dance with my kids being silly while I'm cleaning house, I also do v ups, leg raises, push ups, and whatever else I can do because I can't afford to go to the gym. I just graduated in May with my bachelor's degree and just started working on my master's degree, I am also a full time mom to 3 very busy kids plus work as an independent contractor. The key is just to not give up on yourself. I won't step on the scales because I want to stay positive and not get discouraged. Look at the amazing accomplishment you've already made!! You got this girl!! Believe in yourself!! Get up and get moving!!
  • agarris4
    I am not a military wife, however, some of my clients who have to deal with a spouse or loved one's deployment can fall into a depression and not even recognize it.. So 1) are you talking it out with someone when you are missing your hubby or sad- because that is important 2) When are you excercising? as a mother of 3, 1 full time job, 1 overnight part time job and finishing my last year of my pre-doctoral program... - I CANNOT excercise when I get home from all of my daily activities.. I am just too exhausted.. So I just started working out in the morning and it works better for me... 3) I ALWAYS bring my own yummy 'healthy' snacks to work and family events when I know there is going to be a party or else- I WILL indulge.. preparation is key...
    Lastly- your priorities need to be checked... Is your weight loss a priority? If not- then youwill continue to slack up even more.. You just have to do it.. No thinking, no excuses.. just get up and work out! :)
    Good Luck!

    Thank you the help hun! And no, I am not really depressed at all. I am used to him being gone. He is not the typical soldier, his deployments are much shorter, but that being said he leaves for trainings and temporary duty trips all over the country throughout the year. I usually go at night, I am thinking that once I get on a set schedule for completing my homework and studying it may become better. I really just need to stat doing it!!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    As long as you make excuses for why you can't, you won't. How bad do you want this? You CAN do it, YOU have to make it enough of a priority. It's all up to you.

  • agarris4
    I do my exercises at home while watching tv..... try doing things like squats, using a jump rope if you can (I don't even have a jump rope but pretend I do), I aso blare the music and just dance with my kids being silly while I'm cleaning house, I also do v ups, leg raises, push ups, and whatever else I can do because I can't afford to go to the gym. I just graduated in May with my bachelor's degree and just started working on my master's degree, I am also a full time mom to 3 very busy kids plus work as an independent contractor. The key is just to not give up on yourself. I won't step on the scales because I want to stay positive and not get discouraged. Look at the amazing accomplishment you've already made!! You got this girl!! Believe in yourself!! Get up and get moving!!

    Thank you!!! I am trying my hardest, best wishes to you as well!
  • agarris4
    Hey you could do what reese witherspoon did in legally out while studying!!!!!

    Haha, very funny. If only that was actually possible. Its hard to do when most of my work involves typing papers, calculations, experiments, and online quizzes! Lol!! If only books were available for audio in iTunes!
  • nrtenagrl
    nrtenagrl Posts: 138 Member
    Haven't been to the gym in two weeks either however I go for a 1 or 2 mile walk, sometimes alone, mostly with the kids on their bike. Just like someone said, the hardest hardest thing to do is to step out of your house, sneakers n all... Just do it! You automatically feel better about yourself for stepping out of that comfort zone we so easily fall into. No excuses anymore., we've been using them way to much and that is what got is this weight! You can do it! Yes you can! (I'm cheering here!!!)
  • agarris4
    Haven't been to the gym in two weeks either however I go for a 1 or 2 mile walk, sometimes alone, mostly with the kids on their bike. Just like someone said, the hardest hardest thing to do is to step out of your house, sneakers n all... Just do it! You automatically feel better about yourself for stepping out of that comfort zone we so easily fall into. No excuses anymore., we've been using them way to much and that is what got is this weight! You can do it! Yes you can! (I'm cheering here!!!)

    Thank you! I really was doing great, I honestly believe it is because a bunch of stress happened all at one time. I'm not really stressed about my hubby being away, always worried though. I just have to get my schedule back.
  • CindiBryce
    I understand your point, but I am by no means a lazy person. As I said I work with children so I am constantly on the move. My only time to relax is when I get home and I do not really get to do that with all the homework I have. It is really hard to exercise while trying to type a
    Sorry, accusing you of being lazy wasn't my intention. I understand that you are extremely busy.
    Here's a tip that I found:
    If you are crunched for time, you can probably do these before you sleep at night. Hope it helps.
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    there are books you can get in an mp3 format on ur ipod through ur libaray look online. I did it and its nice on the elliptical or treadmill.

    i have a motovation problem and procrastination problem too but, really just tell yourself you do it for fifteen minutes and u will find that ur less stressed because of it. Yes i mean lie to yourself....I'll only do it for fifteen minutes......which turns into 20......

    Good Luck! You can do this!
  • agarris4
    I have looked already! That would truly be a God send! Thanks girl!
  • agarris4
    I understand your point, but I am by no means a lazy person. As I said I work with children so I am constantly on the move. My only time to relax is when I get home and I do not really get to do that with all the homework I have. It is really hard to exercise while trying to type a
    Sorry, accusing you of being lazy wasn't my intention. I understand that you are extremely busy.
    Here's a tip that I found:
    If you are crunched for time, you can probably do these before you sleep at night. Hope it helps.

    Great website!!! I am sorry if I sounded rude, did not mean for it to be that way. Thank you for the info!
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    you need to prioritise. if you keep making excuses to not exercise, then maybe you don't want it as much as you say you do. or maybe now is just not the right time.
    but you can make the time. there is always 30 mins you can fit into your day- you don't have to go to the gym to work out. take a fast walk for half of your lunch break. maybe stop off at the pools on your way home. leave your stuff in the car and just go out and do something before you even step foot in the house- for me sitting down is a killer and i won't get back up from my comfy, vegetative position without a struggle. personally, i get up at 0445am to go for a run before i start work at 7am. there's always a way- you just have to want it enough to do it.
    good luck.
  • mowrites
    mowrites Posts: 24 Member
    I remind myself everyday....that i need to take care of ME. so that i can take care of everyone else lol or even anyone else