When am I going the insanity and get "for real" and stop bei

OK i'm a little frustrated with myself...I can't get motivated. I'm like a alcoholic that won't stop drinking no matter how much pain his life is causing him...This weight makes me miserable but obviously not enough to do something about it. I do good for awhile then get frustrated and give up. I have joined wwatchers atleast 20 times in the last 7 years...What is it? Why? What will it take? I work my butt off exercising, trying to eat better, etc.. and i lost 2 pds in 5 weeks..what's up with that? i'm aggrevated big time...I want the weight off but my god it's so slow!!! I don't have the patience...Help


  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    OK i'm a little frustrated with myself...I can't get motivated. I'm like a alcoholic that won't stop drinking no matter how much pain his life is causing him...This weight makes me miserable but obviously not enough to do something about it. I do good for awhile then get frustrated and give up. I have joined wwatchers atleast 20 times in the last 7 years...What is it? Why? What will it take? I work my butt off exercising, trying to eat better, etc.. and i lost 2 pds in 5 weeks..what's up with that? i'm aggrevated big time...I want the weight off but my god it's so slow!!! I don't have the patience...Help
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    I don't think anyone here can give you patience, but just know we've all been in the same boat. :flowerforyou:

    You have to decide for yourself what is more important, your health/appearance or food.

    It's not a easy process, but it is so worth it once you start feeling better about yourself.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    I can relate... my weight has come off slowly - but I had to resign myself to the fact that it might be slow, but losing 2 lbs a month is better than staying the same or gaining weight. And now, almost one year after starting here at MFP, I've lost 32 lbs - I lost LESS than a pound a week, but I finally lost. I could have kept to my old habits, and been 32 lbs heavier today a sit here, or, worse, I could have gained weight.

    My philosophy became this... a healthy lifestlye is better for my health, better my energy level, and will, eventually yeild a weight loss. I stopped obsessing, and just kept going with what I know I had to do. There were small misteps, and breaks, but eventually I made it. All 32 lbs, gone!

    Stick with it - be honest with yourself - log your calories, and you will make it to your goal!
    Good luck!
  • porka29
    porka29 Posts: 868 Member
    Your tag line remided me of Susan Powter.......are you old enough to remember her? Anyway, that prompted me to think that I knew about her and her weihjt loss gig and I was a kid!! Alot of us are all in the same boat. Stay stong and stay on here for support!:drinker:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I have PCOS and Hypothyroid, so every 10th of a pound is an accomplishment for me. It should be for you too! Forget about that silly 2lbs a week, it simply ISN'T realistic for some people. I know, its NOT fair and it made me really angry and frustrated in the beginning, but you have to stop comparing yourself to others loss and start comparing yourself to the 'old you.' That old you never got off the couch to be active and ate too much/the wrong things. You are making yourself healthier - and even if you lost .25lbs per week, you would reach your goal eventually.

    Isn't eventually better than never? :flowerforyou:
  • inadelirium
    I agree with what all have already said. Maybe your body takes longer to shed full pounds, and I understand the frustration. But just be patient and like they said come here for support when you feel like giving up.:wink:

    Oh and one thing I thought of, because I recently went through something similar. Do you have excess stress in your life? And if so is there anyway you could reduce it (yoga, quiet time, something). Sometimes when we have a lot of stress our body releases hormones that inhibit weight loss.
  • firewalking
    firewalking Posts: 335 Member
    I agree...if you don't keep trying, you will never succeed.

    The truth is, this has to come from you. You have to be ready to make the change. It's like when I quit smoking, which I did a thousand times, but this last time was the easiest. Why? Because I really wanted to do it. If you're not ready, you will not do it.

    Why don't you take some time off and really think about what you want? Reflect on what brought you here and what you want to accomplish....see yourself at your goal and see yourself doing the work. Because it is going to be work. And it is frustrating for everyone. We have all hit a wall or two - you have a lot of support here to get you through it all.

    Your community will always be here for you! We all support you!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Another thought that really changed my mindset was something Bob Greene said...

    For every time you felt full, or overate, you need the opposite level of discomfort to create balance again - e.g. for every night you went to bed full, you need to go to bed hungry.

    When I embraced this, things seemed to change. I focused on that hungry feeling as a positive feeling (picture your body burning through your body fat), and didn't give into the physiological and psychological drive to eat.
  • mgullette
    mgullette Posts: 401 Member
    Focus on how you feel better about yourself. How you look forward to each day of treating your body well. How your clothes fit better and you feel more confident...think of weight loss as more of a side effect of taking care of yourself and doing something about it. Not staying the same but seeking continuous improvement in all arenas of life. You'll get there, but you just have to get your mind right about it.
  • chulie
    chulie Posts: 282
    For me it was realizing the excuses. I basically had an excuse for everything and I had to own up to that. I had to stop "justifying" everything!!! I could justify eating badly ALL the time. Now, I hear it in other people. i hear women on the train rambling off excuse after excuse of why they are going to eat badly, and comforting eachother by making fun of the girl eating carrots sticks ect.......I realized that was me!!!!! and it had to stop or I would just keep gainin weight. As soon as I stopped the excuses and held myself accountable I was able to change.
  • Losing_It
    Losing_It Posts: 3,271 Member
    Remember the days are going to pass, regardless. It may take 6 months to see a big change, but it's better than seeing a gain in 6 months. :flowerforyou:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Remember the days are going to pass, regardless. It may take 6 months to see a big change, but it's better than seeing a gain in 6 months. :flowerforyou:

    That was a big thing for me too! Summer is going to come, whether I'm making changes or not, so I could either be the same (or heavier) or I could be 20 lbs lighter.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    The part that stood out to me is you saying, "I'm trying to eat better." That sounded SO like me just a few weeks ago. I was exercising like crazy and "trying to eat better" without any real accountability. Then I started holding myself accountable by logging EVERYTHING I ate here on MFP. Funny what happened....I started to lose a few pounds. Only when you can really see that you are eating less than you are expending do you KNOW that the weight should be coming off. What I thought was a calorie deficit wasn't. I was taking in the same amount that I was burning...hence no drop in the number on the scale. If you haven't been keeping accurate logs you might give that a try. Good luck!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Another thought that really changed my mindset was something Bob Greene said...

    For every time you felt full, or overate, you need the opposite level of discomfort to create balance again - e.g. for every night you went to bed full, you need to go to bed hungry.

    When I embraced this, things seemed to change. I focused on that hungry feeling as a positive feeling (picture your body burning through your body fat), and didn't give into the physiological and psychological drive to eat.

    Lovin that! Glad you shared it reminded me of it again! Powerful stuff......

  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Remember the days are going to pass, regardless. It may take 6 months to see a big change, but it's better than seeing a gain in 6 months. :flowerforyou:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Focus on how you feel better about yourself. How you look forward to each day of treating your body well. How your clothes fit better and you feel more confident...think of weight loss as more of a side effect of taking care of yourself and doing something about it. Not staying the same but seeking continuous improvement in all arenas of life. You'll get there, but you just have to get your mind right about it.

    Hi rmchan:flowerforyou: I'm so sorry you're struggling right now... as others pointed out think on what you want, find out if you are truly ready to make the commitment because if we aren't quite there yet, we shall only continue to beat ourselves up and be unsuccessful.

    I thought I was ready many times in the past but this time something simply 'clicked' and poof I was on the road to better healthy and great way of living my life, living it FULLY for once instead of always worrying what was going in my mouth and what I looked like.

    Now I see how far I've come in more ways than lbs. lost, I try hard to see the successes and not look so much at what I still want out of my journey. This is for LIFE so it takes a huge commitment as does anything that is worth doing and continuing!:drinker:

    Michelle makes some great points... taking care of ourselves is of utmost importance, the scale number well it's simply something we use a marker point, perhaps a tape meausure would be more user friendly or simply clothes you've not been able to wear might help you realize it's a lifestyle change we are all on, not a diet:noway:

    This is for keeps!:flowerforyou:
    Things worth having are not always easy, they are worthwhile though even when they take some tough commitments.

  • mariposamom
    I have had the same thinking. I can not tell you how many times I joined a fitness club or program online only to quit after a few days..I have had what someone else described as stinking-thinking. I undermine myself with thoughts "I can't do this" " I cant control my eating" .... I got to believe I can. I got to stick with to finish this race I started. I did not start a sprint, I started a marathon because I want good eating habits not just weight loss.
  • rmchan
    rmchan Posts: 152 Member
    Thanks ya'll ...And thanks for not attacking me...thanks for the positive encouragement..it really means a lot...I'm going to continue this journey and focus on today...try to eat healthy, move my body and give my body what it needs today not what i want....I so want to get this weight off..it's destroying my life...today i will do what i am suppose to do and stop trying to fast track to where i want to be and accept that it's going to take me longer to get there...thanks again ya'll!!! I really appreciate it!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    The road to good health is a long one...enjoy the journey. Take it one day and one step at a time. You will be amazed how fast you arrive at your destination!