Turbo Fire - Back Muscle Pain - work through or rest???

Hi, new to this but looking for some advice. Just completed Insanity and have moved on to Turbo Fire. Am on day 6 and have such a sore muscle in the left side of my back (behind the rib cage and lower than the shoulder blade). Each time i breath in it feels incredibly tight and hurts when i take a deep breath and when i have been sitting down and then stand up. I have obviously done something wrong with my positioning but am wondering what i should do. Do i work through it and hopefully the muscle will adapt to the exercise or do i have to take a week off or something (fills me with horror as love exercising). Advice greatly appreciated. Thanks


  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    You should probably try to work through it. Yet, don't push yourself too hard. If your body tells you you can't after you try then stop. Otherwise I have found with workouts like 30 DS muscle soreness is REALLY strong the first few days. If you push through it the muscle gets used to the activity and it goes away. Where as if you let them rest, and then do another hard workout. They might seize up on you again.

    But I am no expert, just personal experience
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I am a World Record Bench Press holder, I have a few years experience lifting weights and gaining LEGIT muscle soreness. I don't partake in work outs as you have, however I think that if its hurting you to breathe deeply you must have really pulled it. I wouldn't do anything with that muscle other than daily activities, and STRETCH. STRETCH & STRETCH!!! I recently did something similar, but with my shoulder. Muscle soreness and a muscle pulled are too different feelings, and much different signals from your body.
  • Thank you for those replies. I think i wil do the lower part of the exercises but ease off too much of the twisting. The muscle feels very tight hence when i breath in it feels like it is shrinking/tightening up in resistance (although nothing to feel externally). I had convinced myself that i had brokken a rib haha due to the sharp pain when i breathed in. The muscle is almost resisting movement and going into a spasm when i try to stretch it and tightens up. I think i have had the wrong positioning during the twists or over extended. I shall try to stretch it out. Any other advice greatly appreciated (have been taking ibuprofen)