Starting over (for what seems like the 100th time)

Hi my name is Nikki and I am 24 years old , I am currently going through nursing school and I am set to graduate in 60 days! I have lost a total of 18.6 lbs and I have 169.4 lbs to go to get to my goal weight. I was just wondering how many other people are like me and fall off the horse more times than none


  • JadePunisher
    JadePunisher Posts: 6 Member
    So me! I'm actually in that boat right now
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 41,213 Member
    Hi Nikki...I have been on this site on and off since 2009 ....I have lost count on how many times I have fallen off the horse..... I just restarted this time around on Jan. 1st 2020.... I had 129 lbs to lose total ....I have lost 25 lbs since the 1st .... You are welcome to add me ...would love to support/cheer you on while you are on your journey....Hoping you have great success :)
  • SDane1986
    SDane1986 Posts: 3 Member
    Same, guilty as charged. A lot of folks seem to look down o us as adds my fuel and I say we're brave and determined, because we KEEP getting back on that horse. I'm back for who knows what number time, but I'll tell you's about to be my last. Starting with a goal to lose 270 total. Feel free to add me!
  • jstrick20
    jstrick20 Posts: 33 Member
    i feel the same way--happy to help and motivate--feel free to add me.