I stopped logging, gained everything back, so here I go agai



  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know if your open too the idea but I have a weight loss shake made with skim milk and a glass of water. Fat Blaster chocolate is really yummy! With the milk its only 130 calories and its made with all the nutrients to keep you feeling full. It's not for everyone but with 13 serves and at $15 its not too bad price wise either.

    Good luck everyone xxx
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    You look great! I just really like to chew my food and feel like I am eating something. This would be fine on the go, but would not make me happy as a daily habit. Thanks anyway! I will keep it in memory.
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    Some foods that help keep me full and I'm usually under my calories and satisfied:
    Breakfast: Quaker low sugar oatmeal and Dannon 80 Cal yogurt or a couple boiled eggs with fruit or wheat toast on the side (scrambled eggs with salsa and a little low fat cheese); Lunch: grilled chicken salad or sandwich (hold mayo) at any fast food restaurnat or sometimes half salad and baked potato (I'm on the road all day and eat lunch on the go); dinner: lots of fahita or stir-fry style veggies (can eat a lot of these veggies with minimal calories) or some grilled/baked/stir fried steak, pork, chicken, fish with 2 to 3 veggies sides , a little brown rice. Snacks: red plums are a favorite right now, but apples or celery with a littel peanutbutter, fruit/yogurt parfait, nuts.
    Most importantly find foods/styles of food preparation you love and are healthy and will want to continue eating. Good luck!
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    My sometimes breakfast is a high fiber cereal like fiber one, 2T of ground flax seeds, handful of berries, handful of nuts and almond milk. It keeps me full for about 3-4 hours...and I'm a big girl!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Some foods that help keep me full and I'm usually under my calories and satisfied:
    Breakfast: Quaker low sugar oatmeal and Dannon 80 Cal yogurt or a couple boiled eggs with fruit or wheat toast on the side (scrambled eggs with salsa and a little low fat cheese); Lunch: grilled chicken salad or sandwich (hold mayo) at any fast food restaurnat or sometimes half salad and baked potato (I'm on the road all day and eat lunch on the go); dinner: lots of fahita or stir-fry style veggies (can eat a lot of these veggies with minimal calories) or some grilled/baked/stir fried steak, pork, chicken, fish with 2 to 3 veggies sides , a little brown rice. Snacks: red plums are a favorite right now, but apples or celery with a littel peanutbutter, fruit/yogurt parfait, nuts.
    Most importantly find foods/styles of food preparation you love and are healthy and will want to continue eating. Good luck!

    Thank you for your great suggestions, they will definately help. Seems like stir fry dinners are the way to go and offer some variety in meats and vegs. I seemed to go over in carbs in the past, but I still lost the weight watching the calories. Back to the drawing board, but down one lb this morning so heading in the right direction. Total determination and not really happy seeing those extra rolls that have signed on to my body will keep me focused. Who invited those rolls home from vacation with me anyway?
  • Oselj
    Good luck continuing your routine @dncngqnnyc! Breakfast is so important for me because if I don't each something substantial in the mornings I find myself snacking throughout the day. For breakfast I've tried topping Wasa Crispbread with scrambled eggs, chopped up red pepper and onions. When I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, I'll just spread some jam or yogurt and berries on a Wasa. They're full of fiber so definitely keep me fuller longer! Their Facebook page has some other good recipes from fans that you might want to check out: http://www.facebook.com/#!/wasa?sk=app_4949752878
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Good luck continuing your routine @dncngqnnyc! Breakfast is so important for me because if I don't each something substantial in the mornings I find myself snacking throughout the day. For breakfast I've tried topping Wasa Crispbread with scrambled eggs, chopped up red pepper and onions. When I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, I'll just spread some jam or yogurt and berries on a Wasa. They're full of fiber so definitely keep me fuller longer! Their Facebook page has some other good recipes from fans that you might want to check out: http://www.facebook.com/#!/wasa?sk=app_4949752878

    Thanks and welcome! Breakfast has been a good meal for me. I found yogurt at the Target fast food part with berries and granola that is amazing. It is really big and it can be 2 breakfasts. I find the atkins drinks really good for in between times. They are very tasty and low calories. I eat cereal for a meal or oatmeal because I just really enjoy it and then some shrimp and vegs or some small portion of pasta and sauce. I have been doing well. I have taken off 8 lbs since logging back on Sept. 2nd and I have added walking 5 days a week for 45 minutes to my drop the lbs plan! I am ahead of my goal to lose 10 by October 27th ( My birthday) Maybe I will hit my Thanksgiving goal a month early. I am really determined! My success is guided by jumping on the scale every morning and logging on here to be accountable and really have the weight numbers in my face. Not going on the scale is the beginning of my failure on any diet.