COVID-19 Impact

What impact is COVID-19 having on your daily routine? My gym closed and I'm having to find new ways to work out, running usually. Grocery shopping, forget it. Teleworking and social distancing is killing my motivation. But I'm here trying to stay focused.


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    You're not alone. Boredom is my biggest issue and the frustration of trying to work from home. My computer won't connect so I'm trying to work from a 10" iPad, lol. Hang in there, this won't last forever but will likely get worse before it gets better. Just keep your eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Semele0
    Semele0 Posts: 114 Member
    Yes, it is actually very hard to stay on track. It's more than a week that I can't get out of the house and it's starting to take a toll. Moreover, I'm working from home and have a ton of work, deadlines and stress. So I risk everyday to eat from stress and boredom. But paradoxically, I'm much more aware of the risk now, so I've reacted and I'm actually eating better. As for working out, my climbing gym have organised to do some training live on Facebook, and they are helping keeping me on track. It is not optimal but I am proud of me for doing this much in this situation...
    Be strong, it is going to get better!
  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,251 Member
    I've never been great at working from home (usually it's one day a week), but doing it full time is disastrous. Zero concentration (especially with the glorious spring weather outside) and very hard to resist the temptation of snacking.
    Compounded with a lower activity level since I don't have my daily walks to and from work, and as I'm a bit sick myself I'm currently avoiding serious exercise. I have a ridiculously low number of calories left for dinner :tongue:
    While I heal, I'm being a bit flexible with my calorie goal: as long as I stay under maintenance, it's fine (which is only 250kcals extra, but it still helps me to stay sane)
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,498 Member
    Work has been crazy, but at least traffic is light. We are not permitted to work from home, which is a pity as I am far more productive when I get away from the distractions of the office. I also have a home gym, so I could be working out on my lunch breaks.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I already work at home and my gym is in my basement. Under normal circumstances I can go for days without walking out the door of my house.

    The impact to me is that stores are either closed or on limited hours (which are my work hours) so getting food is a challenge. The stores that are open are mostly sold out. I have food to eat-I’m not going to starve. But the foods that are typically the largest part of my diet (vegetables) are not available.

    Also all activities are cancelled for the next 2 months (minimum)

    Constant news alerts and rapid fire shut downs are amping up anxiety. As is the massive economic free fall.

    Being in lockdown is really not much of a change. The rest is anxiety producing.
  • schneezle
    schneezle Posts: 6 Member
    I’ve been using my stationary bicycle (recumbent) and drinking more water. This program is starting to work! I do need to go out to the grocery store soon for fresh salad or vegetables. Trying not to be pessimistic and hoping this situation improves sooner rather than later. Staying out of public as much as possible - good luck to all and just stick with it!
  • 2BThinAgain5
    2BThinAgain5 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm really struggling with the new routine. Working from home is doing me in. Food/snacks are at my fingertips. I live in the country with gravel roads and walking in the mud right now is not really an option for me. I usually get away from desk 4-5 times a day and walk around my building and on the campus. We are expecting on and off rain showers the next few days...I was hoping for some sunshine to dry out the roads :(