My Journey to Become a Professional Rock Climber

Hello all. Im 24, male and live in upstate NY. I started training rock climbing in November and have also started with beginner calisthenics. I spend at least 20 hours a week training in some way and am starting to learn to cook and eat healthier.

Hoping to meet people here with similar interests and be able to share my progress and cheer others on. I just posted progress pics from the last three weeks if anyone is interested and friend request me if you'd like to see my fitness journey.


  • RunnerGirl238
    RunnerGirl238 Posts: 448 Member
    What exactly is a professional rock climber?
  • martinnathanial
    martinnathanial Posts: 5 Member
    Competing in large competitions, getting sponsorships, coaching and routesetting if you choose to. My goal is to compete in the IFSC World Cup which would require getting podium in a continental championship.