I'm a little sad right now :(



  • vsyates
    vsyates Posts: 373 Member
    Oh sweetie, I feel sad for you. BUT just remember that you are doing this for YOU and YOU ALONE not for anyone else!! You know how far you've come -- and so do we :smile: You've done an absolutely amazing job so far and will continue to do so. Don't give up -- have a happy day :smile: One day you will wake up and everyone will be commenting on how awesome you look :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I wanted to add something...I didn't lose inches initially, either. But I lost weight. And you know what that probably means for us both? LESS VISCERAL FAT! That means that our bodies want to get healthy from the inside out. Today there's 57 lbs. LESS of fat squishing your vital organs. You know what 57 lbs. feels like. Imagine that hanging out with your pancreas, kidneys, liver, stomach, intestines and even lungs and heart! No thank you! Your body is working smart and doing the big work first. When it's cleared out a bit more there, you get the aesthetic benefit of external fat loss. I think it's just brilliant and you're quite lucky. :)
  • That's an amazing accomplishment! I'm sorry people haven't said anything to you. I think some people are hesitant to say anything about peoples weight because it can be a sensitive subject. I think you should go to a department store and try on some clothes! I cant imagine that 57lb. wouldn't change your clothing size somewhere! Maybe you just haven't noticed since it is a slow progression. Best of luck!!!!
  • sgoldman328
    sgoldman328 Posts: 379 Member
    The most important thing is that YOU know that you've done an incredible job to lose all that weight! 57 lbs is INCREDIBLE! You are truly a superstar and a huge source of motivation to everyone on this website. Why don't you treat yourself to a special treat -- non food related. I've promised myself a pedicure when I hit 15 pounds.
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Hunny are your before pics in clothes? Have you gone to a bra store and been fitted properly? Most ladies are wearing the wrong size bra and have no idea so you could be a different size. Another thing is bigger ladies clothing isn't flattering so is it possible the clothes your in are making it difficult to tell?

    Don't give up! Just think how healthy you will feel if you keep at it, this of all the shocked faces on those people who say they see no difference and think of the feeling if looking on the mirror and seeing the person you want to see looking back. Other peoples words can cut us deep and make us loose drive but we are worth more than a few words keep at it because you deserve it. You have given this a HUGE effort and have done so well raise your head and be proud. Next time someone says "really?" reply with something positive like yes I have and next time you see me more will be gone.
  • suz155
    suz155 Posts: 326 Member

    I don't think some people get it, but, thats ok. The important thing is you know, what you have done. And you are doing one heck of a job.

    Hang in there,,,,because,,,,,,I need people, just like you, to keep me going.
  • You are doing an AMAZING job!!!! Compliments are nice but remember who you are doing this for-YOURSELF! One day when you least expect it the compliments will come flowing in. For today keeping working toward your goals-You can do it-look what you have already accomplished!
  • fibrogirl
    fibrogirl Posts: 170 Member
    Wow that´s an amazing amount of weight to lose, don´t be disheartened and remember that you are doing this for YOU, and your health will have improved greatly. I´m sure it won´t be long until you do see a difference. Good luck with the rest of your journey :bigsmile:
  • Sometimes people are afraid to say anything in case you have not lost any. But you have done awesom and keep up the great work. Just keep telling yourself you can do this and soon, before you know it people will be saying "you look great, have you lost weight?" Congrats on the 57lb loss!!!!!!!!!
  • Lesliecs
    Lesliecs Posts: 930 Member
    Don't be sad and don't get discouraged! I'm sure after 57 lbs. there has to be a difference! Post some before and after photos, and your MFP friends will let you know for sure! Keep up the good work.... you've come a long way and should be very proud!! :flowerforyou:
  • albali
    albali Posts: 225 Member
    I was disappointed when I could see my own results but no one commented. It was later when I spoke to someone at work and they said, 'Yes, of course I noticed but I thought it would be rude to mention it - like it would be suggesting you were big to start with.' I think often people are over careful and don't want to hurt your feelings.
    What you have achieved is amazing. Well done.
  • you are a legend !!!
  • You are doing so well - Good for you! Keep at it, because there will become a time when they can't help but notice :happy: You have made such a huge change in your life! Keep the faith, remain positive and always know that MFP is there for you!
  • 57Lbs WOW!! that is a great acheivement, well done. Don't beat yourself up and keep motivated, the person that matters most is you and how you feel. Other people will notice the change one day and you can feel proud that it was you that made it happen. :)
  • nicbic123
    nicbic123 Posts: 75 Member
    go you!!! 4 stone is absolutely EXCELLENT...keep it going and they'll soon notice!!!
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Thanks for all your kind comments everyone.

    I have measured myself periodically, and I'm actually no different on any of the measurements - Waaah!

    It must be coming off from the inside!

    I'm not going to give up though, I'm not getting any younger and I don't want to go into old age on walking sticks or in a wheelchair.

    I want to be the old granny disco dancing with the purple hair :)
  • I feel your pain. I know how hard it is to lose weight. It took me months just to lose 14 lbs. I am wearing the same size clothes I did before I lost weight because the clothes I was wearing were too tight. I can honestly say they fit better. So nobody noticed I lost weight either.

    I think it is amazing you have lost 57 lbs. I am actually very jealous! Any time I start feeling bad about my weight loss, I go buy a 10 lb bag of potatoes and carry it around for about an hour. After about an hour, it sinks in that I no longer want to carry those potatoes. I am very greatful that I no longer carry that amount of weight on my body. So go buy a bag of salt (40 lbs) and see how far you have come. I think in a minute you will realize what a fantastic job you did by losing 57 lbs. You are an inspiration to me!!

    My suggestion for you is to add more weight lifting to your exercise routine. Lifting weights will tone you, making you look smaller. As you know, muscle weighs more than fat, so do not be surprised that you may initally gain weight. Last year when I lost weight (20 lbs), I initially gained 7 lbs and lost one whole size with lifting weights. Unfortunately, I was in a bad relationship and started to emotional eat again, gaining the weight back. Now I am back to losing weight after the boyfriend was dumped and I am learning to love myself again. My self-esteem hit rock bottom when I was with my ex-boyfriend. In order for me to continue losing weight, I had to start being honest with people, even me. I started to stick up for myself. When someone made a comment to me about my weight that was hurtful even though they had good intentions--I let them know. I let people know that when you say "......" "I feel hurt." "So could you please refrain from making comments like that." Now people are much more respectful and I no longer hear comments that hurt me. I admit that I am very sensitive about my weight, which is why I only want to hear positive comments. Trust me, they will eventually catch the hint and you will start hearing more postitive comments. I also had to learn to stop cutting myself down, which was extremely hard to do. I learned to accept a compliment and say "thank you," instead of dismissing it. Another huge hurdle for me. When you start feeling good on the inside it will show on the outside.

    Good luck to you. Thanks for sharing your story and being my inspiration!

    Tess :)