Accountability and getting active

So, I'm a 28-year-old mom to a preschooler, and I just quit smoking at the end of January. I'm also a caregiver to my mom, and (unofficially) provide care for my fiance, dad, and grandfather.

When I quit smoking, I was 165 pounds (5ft 7in) and happy. However, I didn't realize how bad the cigarettes suppressed my appetite and I have since gained back 20 pounds (oh my gosh the flavors have come back, too!)

I do pretty well during the day, I eat well, I chase my kid in the yard. I do ALL of the cooking for 6 people so it wouldn't be hard to start making foods that are healthier for small-budget minded people.

I do, however, snack and eat at night. A lot. Mostly junk. And my heavier meal is always dinner. I need to keep myself accountable again, and not overeat just because I got my appetite back and everything tastes so good.

I also need to get more active. I have close access to nature trails, an old treadmill (with incline!), and some free weights & ankle weights. 30 seconds of running should not have me dying.

Friends, tips, encouragement, all welcome.


  • gavini55
    gavini55 Posts: 3 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking!

    For me, the most important thing to be successful in anything, especially if it is a long term goal like yours are, is to have a plan. Put exercise into the calendar in your phone so it is scheduled. What would you do with your little one if they didn't follow through with something? You would institute a consequence right? So give yourself a consequence. Something that matters but that you can follow through on. Like, if don't do your exercise... no tv/netflix that evening.

    You must do a fair amount of planning to cook for your household, plan out your evening snacks as well, make them healthier and smaller.

    Sounds like you are more than capable of doing this, you just need to make some plans and when you lack motivation, look at that pre-schooler and remind yourself that you want to set a good example for them and make them proud.