I wanna eat something bad..

I woke up this morning with a sugar crave..i ate my bowl of special K like i usually do..then ate SIX cookies..damn it! :( So thats it for me today..but i still want more sugar..ice cream, cookies, KEY LIME PIE! lol...I hate feeling like this...I've been drinking water to get my mind off of it..then took a shower to try and forget about it..nothings working..brushed my teeth twice..i know i sound crazy. For lunch i had a apple and strawberries thinking that would take care of my sugar crave..but didn't work..ahhh im just venting..anyone have any other ideas??


  • bdurls
    bdurls Posts: 128 Member
    I hate sugar cravings! You could try gum. I chew some kind of fruity sugar free gum sometimes when I want something sweet and that helps a bit.
  • lauraOOOO
    lauraOOOO Posts: 103 Member
    i find that exercising usually kills my sweet tooth......
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    PROTEIN! Eat some protein. Right now. Open a can of tuna, drain it and eat it. Listen to Aunt Bevy. You want carbs. Snuff it out with protein!

    xooxox (or maybe some chicken if you have it or some lunch meat chicken breast or turkey. 4 oz. should do it!)
  • 1/2 tbs. peanut butter 1/2 tbs. nutella melt for 15 sec in microwave and dip your pretzels in it! Totally takes care of my sweet tooth without grabbing the snickers bar or ice cream :)
  • ch178
    ch178 Posts: 364 Member
    I hear ya, I'm feeling the same way today
  • Diet cream soda works for me when I crave chocolate.
  • I have had a really bad day like that too, so you are not alone!
    Try looking at some of the success stories in the forum, or have a look at your own before pictures if you have them. Or try looking on the web for some inspirational pics - people with your ideal figure, or find a new outfit that you will reward yourself with once you reach your goal. Silly I know, but it seems to do the trick for me!
    Good luck!
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member

    they have apple pie gum, orange cream, strawberry shortcake, key lime pie, mint cho chip.

    i like them all :]

    also those yoplay yogurts come im flavors like key lime pie and stuff.
    hope that helps
  • Try Chocolate unsweetened Almond Milk. It usually does it for me! I find mine in the baking isle.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have a sweet tooth, so I keep a tin of boiled sweets to hand. Boiled sweets tend to have between 20 - 35 calories each (depending on the brand) and some carbs and obviously sugar. My sweetie tin has kept me away from chocolate, cakes and biscuits over the last 7 weeks.
  • 1dragonfly
    1dragonfly Posts: 18 Member
    ...humus and veggies!
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I wouldn't eat more sugar, since that obviously made the craving worse, not better.

    I'd keep doing what you are doing-- everything you can to distract. Get out of the house! Read a book, organize something, garden. If you must eat, or you are actually hungry, try the protein thing suggested by a couple other posters.

    GL! Stay strong.
  • xoAmyxo
    xoAmyxo Posts: 110
    bevskiwolf- im having grilled chicken tonight for dinner so maybe that will work! Im just gonna tuff it out...try to read my book and get my mind off of it. thanks yall :)
  • MaryEffingPoppins
    MaryEffingPoppins Posts: 371 Member
    When I have a sugar craving I eaat a Jello Temptations. 60 calories and you can't even tell. They taste like actual, chocolatey, velvety, chocolate mousse!