30 Day Shred-- 9/3/11 Day 1

WHEW! After all the results I see on the forums about the 30DS I had to start doing it... Anyone just starting? Any pointer/tips/etc?

Feel free to add me.



  • bbuckeye2724
    I have never done it but was thinking I would go get the DVD and start. It really is inspiring to see all the people who have done it and have had sucess.
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    My biggest one is that the two minutes of cool down was not enough for me. So as soon as it's over I head out for a walk to cool down my legs more....didn't do this the first couple of days and had legs cramps and soreness...
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    I'm on day 4. Already feeling the difference! I'm even enjoying it, I look forward to the challenge! Good luck to you, hope you feel the change too.
  • Emily_34
    Emily_34 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I started doing 30 day shred about 17 days ago but have only done 11 workouts and i've lost 8.2 lbs during that time. I'm also watching what I'm eating. But it really does work, love the workout. :)
  • Trinasan
    Trinasan Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me to your friend list if you like! It would be nice to do the 30DS with someone!
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Jsut know that it gets easier by day 4, the soreness starts to go away and you find your endurance level has gone up a bit. At least that is the way it was for me. ihate soem of the strength moves but I found that I could do them better by day 4 than on day 1
  • jennyph2006
    jennyph2006 Posts: 356 Member
    I'm on day 2. feel free to add me
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I would recommend you stretch alot more before and after the workout than they do in the dvd as it's nowhere near enough and you'll ache more than necessary!!
  • ItsMeLori
    I have just finished Level 1, Starting on Level 2 on my next workout. My tip is not do it everyday unless you can handle it without injury. I will do a couple days then take a day off to rest those muscles. Also I modify the jumping jacks because of an injury to my leg a few months ago.

    I love doing this workout and can't wait to complete it and take pics and measurements.

    Good Luck!!
  • schlumy
    hi gUrls! i'm kind of new to MFP online, been using it on my mobile phone for months now and love it!
    i started 30DS in March with workout 1 obviously. i got used to that and moved onto workout 2, but got frustrated. it was too big of a jump, i thought, from workout 1. just a "friendly warning" and i still don't love workout 2. i'm not even sure what it is about it, but i kept up with my walks (i walk outside or get on my treadmill) and have been going strong. The other day i decided i'd try workout 3 and see what it was like...LOVE IT! it's a challenge for sure, but the moves are great and work you out hard! it's nice to think, in 20 minutes i'll be done and it'll be a real workout!
    anyway, my point for writing :)
    don't give up or get frustrated...use the moves from all of the workouts to get you through! ...and don't fret about not following Jillian or the girl in the back that does the heavy duty moves. i do what i can and modify what i need. i got very used to workout 1 like i said and think the moves are great. i like some of the moves from workout 2, and workout 3 is pretty tough but like the moves better and can do more of them. so when i get to a move in workout 3 that is tough, i swap it for one from workouts 1 or 2 that's comparable. it's great!! I don't get frustrated and i get a great workout still!
    good luck!!!
    if you need a push just let me know...i would love to have some friends to share my progress with :)
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I bought it last night and plan to start tomorrow, feel free to add me!:happy:
  • Bretonmka
    I started today too. Sent a request!
  • KeepOnMoving
    KeepOnMoving Posts: 383 Member
    Ditto to above. I did it early in the morning almost every day for 30 days January 2009. I thought it was rather hard on my body and my knees kind of hurt. I have to agree with the above, walk to cool down and stretch more after wards. I wasn't dieting at the time but I did see a difference in strength and stamina that helped me keep exercising. I since have found better workout DVDs that are just as helpful and more pleasant.
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    I finished my first workout from this DVD about 30 mins ago....im tired and i had to stop during the cardio bits every now and then but was quite pleased how much i managed to do!

    Quick question...when doing ab work...does any one elses neck hurt...im trying not to use thse muscles and focus on using tummy muscles but i still feel a fair bit of strain in my neck....
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    My neck doesn't hurt but I hear you on the cardio killers!

    My back kind of hurt sometimes cause I have horrid posture.
  • adim66
    adim66 Posts: 1 Member
    I got mine in the mail the other day. I plan on starting tonight! So we can go at it togetherrr. I've already took my 'before' pictures and wrote y measurements on my mirror
  • momof6monkees
    I started today. Day one Level one kicked my butt! I can't even imagine level two and level three. YIKES! I had a hard time one she got to the butt kicks :( I have heard your endurance gets better, so I hope mine does!!!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    around day 3 you want Jillian to step closer to you when you are doing the punches! You will also learn to hate her perky assistants!!!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I started day one today. I did one day a few weeks ago but then had to go out of town and didn't have access/ was slacking x.x

    O my goodness I can hear you on the cardio bits. I definitely tried not to stop, but I had to a few times. I look forward to continuing. There are some bits of the strength training where I do the moves without the weights. I didn't realize how much strength I've lost in my arms over the years. Add me! I'd love to have some work out buddies!
  • momof6monkees
    OMG I couldn't even make through 5 minutes (3m strength, 2m cardio) I was dying by the second jumprope :( I had to stop, I thought I was gonna fall out. Who weighs 200+ and does this every day? I am thinking I will do it every other day because my muscles are so sore just from day one.