Why haven't I lost???

I've been at this since April. I finished a round of Insanity and am currently doing a P90X/Insanity hybrid. I was at 1200 calories during Insanity, would try to eat back my exercise calories most of the time, but if I had a really late workout then I wouldn't eat them all back. I upped my calories to 1500 on Monday and aside from losing the lb I gained after a bad weekend, the scale hasn't moved. I thought eating more = losing more? Other folks say they lost 1 lb/week as soon as they increased their calories. I am eating most of them back, and am trying to eat clean (some days are better than others). What am I doing wrong? I've lost 6 lbs since April and although Insanity gave me great results inches-wise, I want to lose about 20 more lbs. I'm frustrated and don't want to resort to unhealthy ways of losing those 20. Can anyone give me some advice?? I'm at my wits end....


  • letsdothis2010
    letsdothis2010 Posts: 190 Member
    I don't really have any advice to give to you because I'm in the same boat. Best of luck and stay on track, because no matter what you are becoming stronger & healthier!!!
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    It doesn't work for everyone I eat 1200 or less sometimes and I loose. You have to try different things to make the diet work. I remember eating 1800 cal plus eating back my calories and I was doing that for a month I did not loose anything neither gain, but I was so pissed. Try not to eat back your calories for like 2 weeks and lets see if you loose. Also try to boost your metabolism by doing different exercises, sometimes that helps too.


    These are free work out sites.
    I hope it will help!
  • mattnworb
    mattnworb Posts: 2 Member
    When you say you aren't "losing", are you referring only to the number on the scale?

    What kind of shape were you in prior to April? If you are doing programs like P90X and Insanity and you weren't in shape before, then you likely are gaining muscle and getting stronger. Additional muscle on your body means additional pounds, since it too has a weight.

    I'm of the opinion that if you want to lose weight - which generally means fat - that you shouldn't just look at the single number of your weight and also consider if you have gotten stronger, feel more muscular, etc. How do you feel? Do you feel like you are in better shape, are you able to do more of the exercises than you were 5 months ago?
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I have the same problem. I was doing 1200-1400 calories regardless of workouts, and running 2 miles per day. I lost 54 lbs. Then just stayed there. The nutritionist wanted me to add fiber, cut sodium so I started on more fruits and veggies. I am convinced it is the carbs. Today I got sort of mad and went and bought eggs,bacon, and a couple of pounds of cheese. it is low carb week to see if I can get this going again.

    Let me know if something works.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    First off, you have to give it more time. It hasn't even been a week yet. Give your body AT LEAST 2 weeks to figure out what you've changed.

    Patience. Our bodies do things in their own sweet time.

    Keep doing what you are currently doing. Give your body some time to adjust.
  • Are you starving yourself? Are you skipping a meal? If your starving your body, it stores more fat since it does not know when it will receive nutrition again. But if you eat more frequently, your body starts burning it.

    You should try increasing your protein intake to about 100 g per day. Try eating more food that's high in protein like cottage cheese, string cheese, edemame (soy beans), fage (greek yogurt). Protein feeds your muscle, so you keep your muscle and lose the fat.

    Also, try eating more frequently everyday around the same time.

    For example, once you wake up, you should eat breakfast within 45 min. of waking up, regardless. Avoid card breakfast like cereal and oatmeal. Then eat a morning snack 3 hours later. Then lunch 3 hours later. And an afternoon snack 3 hours after lunch. For dinner, eat a lighter meal, avoid heavier meals unless you're planning to stay up 3-4 hours after dinner. Or if you know you're going out for dinner, eat a lighter lunch.

    This worked for me. I have been counting my calories since mid-Aug and I have lost 4 lbs since then. I'm planning to lose another 16 lbs by early December.
  • autumnmoon2001
    autumnmoon2001 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with mattnworb - don't let the weight scale get you down, because that should NOT be the only measure of your success.

    You may be gaining muscle. How are your other measurements (around the waist, neck, and hips)? How do you feel in general? For exercise, you might hit a plateau, so you need to either change up activities, or intensify your workout for short periods of time. When it comes to food, think of food as your fuel. You need to NET at least 1200 calories or your body will think it's fasting and will hold on to fat. Make sure you eat enough food so that you net at least 1200 calories. Also, the better quality food you eat (fresh is best), then the better fuel you are providing your body and it will be able to function better. Make sure to drink the recommended amounts of water - that made a difference for me as well.

    You can do it!! Just remember that the weight scale should not be the only measure to see how fit you are.