Start 30 day shred during lockdown? Coronavirus



  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Ripped in 30 week 3 done this morning. Had a google meet earlier and will have to do some online training later.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hello my shreddies. I did not shred today. I did mow. I will shred 2 xs tomorrow, promise. Son turns 11 tomorrow, birthday 27th so I will need to exercise much--he is getting chocolate cake with whipped icing. I am mostly sheltering in my place but he is on my nerves!!!
  • cynthiness17
    cynthiness17 Posts: 3 Member
    I started tonight! So will definitely try and keep to it for the next month :)
  • demi645
    demi645 Posts: 20 Member
    Day 6 workout completed. The struggle was REAL tonight! But, somehow I made it through. I have realized something though, I definitely prefer working out early in the day. I must start getting it done before I sit on the couch.
  • mandycat_florida
    mandycat_florida Posts: 60 Member
    Heartiest congratulations on making the best of a scary situation. It would be tempting to crawl back under the covers, coming out only long enough to stuff yourself with the Italian equivalent of hot fudge sundaes. You should do great with that kind of fortitude. (Not to mention attitude.)
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    I owed you for yesterday and then today - 2 sessions completed before lunchtime. Might stay in bed rest of day - my baby is 11 today.
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    Hello my shreddies. I did not shred today. I did mow. I will shred 2 xs tomorrow, promise. Son turns 11 tomorrow, birthday 27th so I will need to exercise much--he is getting chocolate cake with whipped icing. I am mostly sheltering in my place but he is on my nerves!!!

    Happy bday to your son! The cake sounds great.... I don't feel like doing it today. I will do it twice tomorrow like I did the other day....
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    I owed you for yesterday and then today - 2 sessions completed before lunchtime. Might stay in bed rest of day - my baby is 11 today.

    didn't see this message...great job for getting 2 done.....not so easy....
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    demi645 wrote: »
    Day 6 workout completed. The struggle was REAL tonight! But, somehow I made it through. I have realized something though, I definitely prefer working out early in the day. I must start getting it done before I sit on the couch.

    see???? I don't feel like doing it tonight...but now you have inspired me...maybe I will do it...I still have work to do...but maybe it would be a good break...thanks for the inspiration...
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    Heartiest congratulations on making the best of a scary situation. It would be tempting to crawl back under the covers, coming out only long enough to stuff yourself with the Italian equivalent of hot fudge sundaes. You should do great with that kind of fortitude. (Not to mention attitude.)

    Today was a real downer for me....919 new deaths in one day. Things are very quiet and easy in our is just me, hubby and two teenagers, and being at home has been ok. We are in the hardest hit I know that just down the street in the hospitals, horrible things are going on. Feel so bad for those folks....victims, docs, nurses. Tried to volunteer but they were now we just have to wait...I don't know why the Italian death rate is so much higher than the rest of the world. Germany also has an older population...but their death rate is much lower. ANYWAY...sorry to go on and on....just a sad day......some exercise would probably make me feel I am going to go and do it now. You guys are so inspiring!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday. So, another year older and wiser! I did Ripped in 30 week 4 workout this morning, some step, and then walked on the treadmill during my virtual meeting for work.
    These are very confusing times. I am so proud of my coworkers for being so flexible and proactive, getting so much work done in a new way. I also did another online PD for work.
    I have a few neighbors and we are bonding a little over this situation. We are asking if we need anything and sharing info. My neighbor brought me fresh eggs yesterday, so we made her a loaf of bread today. Another friend will call if going to the store. We may practice social distancing and not shake hands, but when this is over, we hope to give hugs. Be kind to each other.
  • Killakee
    Killakee Posts: 17 Member
    Phew - day 5 done!! It’s incredible how much my muscles have developed, I no longer need those constant breaks!! Feeling good today, but tired. Stay healthy everyone!
  • demi645
    demi645 Posts: 20 Member
    I am a little nervous. I woke up this morning not feeling too good. Tried to shake it off with my hot green tea and some ginger snap cookies. Made it through work day (I work from home). But as day coming to a close, I could not stop coughing and felt a bit warm. I took a couple Tylenol cold/flu tablets and was out of it for a few hours. Needless to say, I did not get my workout in today.
    I'm hoping that I am just overreacting. Afterall, I'm in a stay in place state and have been doing as told. So really hope that I wake up feeling good tomorrow so I can pick up with my #7 workout.
  • NuAnderson
    NuAnderson Posts: 41 Member
    Count me in. I already started it a month ago before the lockdown and i am in level 3 day 3 .. its an awsome workout with real results .. most probably i will start another round after i finish this week 🧡
  • elgeebi
    elgeebi Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there if you see this I’d love to join. I’ve put on a few kilos and a lot in the last year (anxiety eating gr) and I was wondering if I may join - just to get the ball rolling with other people’s support (before it gets worse!). Perhaps to stay more connected we could find a more immediate platform to show progress?
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Hello all. Checking in. Going slow. But still moving. Staying on level One for a bit.
    demi I also thought this was a bad day. Checked a CDC indicator and it said give it 24 hours and then contact dr as needed. Took allergy med. A few coughs and achy joints. There is only 1 known case in my city/county so I am sort of thinking how likely is it that I would have found that virus. I have been home all week except for grocery store and I did not socialize there.
  • demi645
    demi645 Posts: 20 Member
    Today was a bit better. I took it easy most of the day watching movies in bed. I felt guilty for not working out yesterday. So, I did one work out early in the afternoon and one tonight. Neither was my best effort, but it felt good to get back on track.
    I will be alternating between Tylenol and Mucinex for a while. It definitely helps.
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    I’m coming in to this late! Lost my gym on Mar 16 and up until today I’ve been able to get outside for runs but now it’s will be raining for 5 days straight :(. I’m als struggling to put my own routines together with limited equipment. Worried about losing momentum, motivation and the progress I worked so hard for. I’m down 72 lbs since last June! So...I am in! I’m going to download this now and do this instead of a run in the rain :)xt7btyo6xzrz.jpeg

    Hello ....welcome! Great job so far....72 pounds is such an accomplishment.....We are pretty much trapped at we don't have much of a choice but to workout from home....keep us posted on your progress....
  • bellissimaluna
    bellissimaluna Posts: 75 Member
    Yesterday was my birthday. So, another year older and wiser! I did Ripped in 30 week 4 workout this morning, some step, and then walked on the treadmill during my virtual meeting for work.
    These are very confusing times. I am so proud of my coworkers for being so flexible and proactive, getting so much work done in a new way. I also did another online PD for work.
    I have a few neighbors and we are bonding a little over this situation. We are asking if we need anything and sharing info. My neighbor brought me fresh eggs yesterday, so we made her a loaf of bread today. Another friend will call if going to the store. We may practice social distancing and not shake hands, but when this is over, we hope to give hugs. Be kind to each other.

    Happy belated bday. Where are you located? Tomorrow is my bday too. :). It will be all home...but that is ok...happy to be healthy...