greek yogurt vs normal "lite" flavoured yogurt?

whats the difference between these two? is greek yogurt alot better for you as opposed to normal flavoured yogurt with sweetners?


  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    greek has 2x the protein..
  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    Greek yogurt has a lot of protein.
  • kristarablue
    Yes greek yogurt has much more protein, I also like the fact that it is thick and creamy. I prefer the plain because the protein is higher for the calories and it is way yummier than "lite" yogurt...look at the nutritional information of both, do a comparison for me, its good
  • sneezles
    sneezles Posts: 165 Member
    Plus if you buy Greek yoghurt it doesn't have the crap (HFCS) that those light yogurts contain.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Greek yogurt also doesn't have the consistency of snot. Just sayin' LOL
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    In addition to the added protein, Greek yogurt typically has less sugar if you go for a plain version. Flavored kinds will have tons of sugar. I'd never eat plain by itself, but lately I've been mixing in some Crystal Light (the ones sweetened with Stevia) to make it easy to eat. I looooooove Greek yogurt!!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I love how tangy greek is. Greek Gods Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt has only 12 calories/oz. And if you make labneh (Lebanese cream cheese*) with it, it's this whole other, glorious thing.


    That's the recipe with whole-fat greek yogurt. Nonfat would yield a lot fewer cals!
  • PositiveGoals
    Greek yogurt has more protein. It is better for your muscles and much more filling. Because protein takes a few hours to digest, having a greek yogurt will keep you full and satisfied longer. It tends to be thicker so it also makes a nice spread for rice cakes, triscuits, toast, etc. It also makes a nice dip for veggies. It may have more calories or fat than a normal 'lite' flavored yogury. However, a lite yogurt is more of a snack, or side with something else for a meal. A greek yogurt is a meal in itself. If you are losing weight rapidly, greek yogurt is better because you want the protein nourish your muscles so that you do not lose muscle mass, rather than fat. It's tends to have a tastier and richer taste to it. I still like the traditional yogurt if I want a light snack. But if I am really hungry and looking to eat low-cal I reach for the greek. Yum.
  • cjmarbutt
    The Greek yogurt also doesn't have gelatin which is a plus for me since I am vegetarian.
  • timboman365
    timboman365 Posts: 19 Member
    I use the plain as a substitute for sour cream. Works great on potatoes, chili and many other things without the guilt. I also use it as a mayonaise substitute when making tuna salad.
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    Ohh, Walmart has Dannon Oikos Plain 0% Green yogurt in individual containers that are 80 calories & only $1 each. More expensive than regular yogurt, but much less expensive than Fage & other brands' individual cups. Perfect grab & go snack and a no brainer for portion control!!
  • Shrekkk
    Wow... never thought of it like that... now I can't NOT think of it like that! LOL . (ref the "snot" comment).
    I like the greek yogurt for the extra protien, but I also like the plain flavour so I can "fix it up" as I please. My fave is frozen berries and honey. This mix tastes great, but also does a great job regulating... ahem.... gut issues.... if you know what I mean.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    If you're looking for an amazing greek yogurt (they all taste different!), I have so far found that Fage is my favorite (the cherry to be specific). I could eat it every day and it feels like I cheating on my cals...when in reality, i'm only consuming 140 cals and it fills me up for at least 3 hours. YUMMY
  • dgrayman
    dgrayman Posts: 15 Member
    Greek yogurt has more protein like everyone has said. Just make sure you stir it up to get a good consistency. There are several flavors out there besides plain, there are honey, blueberry, caramel, strawberry to name a few. If you dont want the extra sugar from the ones that have fruit already in them, you can buy the plain and mix in your own fresh fruit. Just a suggestion, and logging it into you food progress is way easy. Have a great Labor Day weekend.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I used to hate yogurt and am now a greek yogurt convert.

    I personally like Chobanni or Dannon... with the fruit. Yoplait makes on that is absolutely disgusting.. so I'd stay away from that one.
  • joni1495k
    Not only does greek yogurt have more protein and less of the "bad stuff" stirred up with fresh berries it makes a great snack and the Fage, although abet more expensive, is only 2 points on Weight Watchers (or was now is up to 3 I believe). Fage is truly a greek yogurt. I communicated with the company about 5 years ago when I couldn't find it after Trader Joe's ran out. The replies came from Greece. Now I believe they are in New York. I have lost 32 pounds (have 12 more to goal weight) and I swear by Fage. It has saved me many times. Much better than the runny fake flavored "lite" yogurts.
  • kmeekhof
    kmeekhof Posts: 456 Member
    Greek yogurt also doesn't have the consistency of snot. Just sayin' LOL

    I will never think of yogurt the same.... ever again. So much for adding it to my smoothie tonight. :sick:
  • katiepie111
    katiepie111 Posts: 83 Member
    ok thanks - am converted already!!!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I eat it because of the protein content. On a side note, I do not eat ANY flavored yogurts, they are full of sugar. I put some fresh berries in mine. :bigsmile: