Crushed my second toe. So upset with myself.

KatsMeow12 Posts: 64 Member
edited March 2020 in Fitness and Exercise
I am straight up asking for sympathy here, and a little advice.
Yesterday, while organizing my work bench in the basement, I dropped a ten pound speaker on my second toe (right foot).
After deliberating whether to go to urgent care (I don’t want to be another body during this pandemic) I finally went. X-rays were taken and revealed that the tip was crushed into many pieces. It’ll take 4-6 weeks to heal.
The thing that really sucks about this is that, after dealing with a labral tear for two months, I was feeling almost ready to get back to jogging again. And now this happens.
I guess I can still do sit-ups and stretches but what else? I think I may have some old crutches lying around. Maybe I’ll drag them out and get biceps of steel while I limp around the block.
This sucks!!!!! And hurts a lot. I welcome your pity.


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Ouch! I've dropped weights on my foot at the gym before. That hurt like crazy and I didn't even break anything.

    Maybe some shadow boxing or other upper body work from a sitting position? I bet there are YouTube videos for that kind of thing.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    Foot injuries are the worst! So sorry that happened. I broke my little toe a few years ago when I tripped on a dumbbell that I was too lazy to put away. (Yeah, I deserved it even though it was at my house and not the gym.)

    Navigating on crutches is a workout in itself so I say use them if you have them! Staying off of your foot will help it heal quicker and you'll get a good arm workout.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Ouch! Sympathy coming your way. Please send some back this way for simultaneous chronic neck pain, SLAP tear, and Eustachian tube dysfunction after a plane flight 7 weeks ago that hasn’t yet resolved. Big pity party here!!😭
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Caroline Jordan had an injury and posted some no-impact chair cardio. Maybe look her up on YouTube...
  • VictorSmashes
    VictorSmashes Posts: 173 Member
    I feel your pain!! I've broken tiny toes a few times. Personally I pad it and get back into walking but I commend you on doing the right thing. I'm not sure what your athletic level is but going back to basics sounds right.
  • color843
    color843 Posts: 1 Member
    Hang in there! That has to hurt. Your going to take quite a while to stabilize. I've had to learn to work around injuries. It opened my mind to new body awareness. Be patient and do some lookups for new exercises