30 Day Shred during Covid

Hey everyone! I am going back to an oldie, but goodie, Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred during this home stay mandate in Michigan.
I tried to find a recent post and couldn't find one, Soni figured I would start a new one.
I'm going to be following this schedule.
MT Shred 1
W cardio 30 minutes
Th& F Shred 1
Sa cardio 30 minutes
Sun rest day
Repeat this until Shred 1 is done 10xs. Then graduate to Shred 2 for 10xs. Finally Shred 3 for 10xs.

You can download the video on YouTube if you don't have the DVD.

This can be an accountability thread.

I hope you join me!
Stay well🙌


  • NuAnderson
    NuAnderson Posts: 41 Member
    Hello .. hope you are doing well during the lock down. I was looking for a support group myself for the shred. Im already in level 3 day 5 but i will start it again after finishing the last 5 days and it will definitely be nice to find support and motivation.

    I only do the shred and sometimes walk for 30 mins on my treadmill.

    I also follow a low sugar and low carb diet. I didn't want to be dragged down since everyone else around me are eating like there's no tomorrow lol

    Stay well and keep safe
  • sarahmchugh07
    sarahmchugh07 Posts: 35 Member
    edited March 2020
    Day 1 of Shred 1 is in the books. Feel great. Looking forward to the journey ahead. Stay safe & well!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    You.might want to look for this thread: "Start 30 day shred during lockdown? Coronavirus"
  • sarahmchugh07
    sarahmchugh07 Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you @DancingMoosie! I'll move over there.
  • sarahmchugh07
    sarahmchugh07 Posts: 35 Member
    @NuOmar I'm going to post over on that thread.