Always hungry!

I don't know if I'm eating too much or enough or what?! I feel hungry literally all the time, but then again I sit in the house literally all day (not sit literally but stuck in the house) do you think it's boredom or what? I think I eat enough it only says like 1050 calories but I know it's more cause I don't measure correctly so has anyone had success with 1200 or 1400 or 1600 calorie diets? I really need help and advice is usefull thanks!!


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    You need to be more accurate on your measurements.
  • otgsmom
    otgsmom Posts: 6 Member
    A woman should never eat under 1200 calories and more if you are working out. If you eat under 1200 your body goes into starvation mode. The best way to get your calories and keep from being hungry all the time is to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. (Every 3 hours) Hope that helps.
  • AlwaysSarah87
    Yeah I agree with the other posts. Measure more. It is annoying at first with the cups and ozs but it is worth it! And do eat every three hours. That will help you not feel so hungry. If you think about NOT eating you become hungry. 1200 a day is a good goal. :)
  • XtinaRocks
    I agree with the above comments. ALSO, are you eating a lot of carbs? When I eat a lot of carbs, I am always hungry. You should cut down and see what happens.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    For me ..... it's boredom. The only way I get around it is projects around the house. Working on a family history/photo project now in the evenings. Not sure what will be next - but I try to keep a list of things to do so I don't get bored.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    First, you need to measure your foods accurately. Guessing doesn't do you any good. Second, you need to be eating more. When I was trying to lose weight (I'm pregnant now) I was eating 1500-1600 calories a day plus most or all of my exercise calories. I was never hungry and only felt deprived when I used up too many calories on something that wasn't healthy.
  • Soccer_chick916
    Soccer_chick916 Posts: 159 Member
    I am having success with 1200 cal diet. I drink at least 64 oz of water per day (not including a diet soda or juice) and I exercise often. I found the more water I drink the less hungry I become.
    Also to battle bored hungry:
    I know my body cues really well. So if I feel hungry and try to ignore it for 30 min, if it goes away I wasn't really hungry, but if the hunger becomes more intense and often to the point where my stomach will get upset, I then eat. (Since I know my body well I don't have this happen a lot) but it helps me not to over eat.

    Also remember. You will have bad days, just like you will have great days. Don't beat yourself up over the bad days.
  • MadeOfMagic
    MadeOfMagic Posts: 525 Member
    I had the same issue at first, first measure everything, and than divide the food for the day into 5-7 meals.

    Optional ex. at 9AM I eat an apple, at 10:30-11AM: I eat an orange. at 12:30PM: I eat low cal turkey slice sandwich on low cal bread and mayo, than at 3:30PM I eat either another turkey sandwich or a tomato cucumber sandwich, sometimes I also throw in a kiwi or plum as snack with sandwich, at 5:30-6 I eat another turkey or tomato/cucumber sandwich, at 8:30 I eat a Gaya Melon, and some other fruit at 9:30-10. If you can avoid eating late the better is, but I find myself hungry.

    If you divide your consumption in bunch of smaller meals you will feel full/satisfied all day. Also if you start exercising like at home videos- it will curb your appetite, I have been eating and exercising like this and I literally have to force myself to eat sometimes because I feel soooo full. Also drink plenty of water, that will also curb your appetite.

    Make sure you eat at least 1200 cal a day, or else your body will go to starvation more and eat your lean tissue and organs. Also make sure your diet has enough fiber, apples are great and other fruits and veggies, or even Fiber One bars, fiber will keep you fuller longer. Also throw in some lean meats/protein into your diet, your body burns a lot of calories digesting/breaking down meat.

    Good luck!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    It sounds to me like 2 things:
    - you probably aren't eating enough. Start measuring - if you're at home you have time to pay attention to quantities. If you don't have a food scale, use cup measures or calculate from working out how many serves in a packet etc. 1200 is very low, try setting your goals to "lose 1 pound a week" and add in a bit of exercise and you'll be able to eat more and still lose weight.
    - if you're bored, that makes it really hard to not over-eat. So, do something!! Find some free exercise routines online, go out for a walk, find something to keep your hand and mind busy. Can you knit? If not, ask someone to teach you, something like that is a great way to keep you away from food.

    And to answer your question, yes! I've lost 46 pounds eating 1450 - 1600 cals a day (plus my exercise cals).
    You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight, it's much healthier not to.
  • jessica_mom343
    jessica_mom343 Posts: 61 Member
    Eat more. Measure correctly. Eat until satisfied, but not stuffed! Eat at least 1200 cals net. I lose more when I eat more. I eat between 1300-1800 depending on the day. Listen to your body.