EA sports active for PS3 group?

I've been using this program for a week now and would love to join a workout group. I have searched the message boards but most of the groups are for wii and I can't see any current threads for a PS3 group. Does anyone have a group I can join or interested in starting a new group?

p.s. for anyone thinking about getting it, go for it, it's fun and gives you a good workout :smile:


  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    i have it for xbox kinect, but it is fun and gives you a great workout, even came with an on screen heart rate monitor!!
  • orleansmith
    orleansmith Posts: 61 Member
    I just ordered it ... but for a Wii :(
  • SgtSwampFox
    I just purchased a PS3 for NCAA 12... didn't even think about the fitness game. I need to check this out!
  • kungfurockchick
    I've got it for the ps3 so please count me in if you like! I won't be on it for a few more weeks tho unfortunately, cos I'm only just coming off my crutches , I'm still quite a bit of pain and have a mad limp so I'm not quite up to it yet lol, but in a few weeks I'm hoping I'll be fighting fit and raring to go! :)
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well I've decided to start a group, I hope I get some people to join.

    Group name is MFPgroup
    password is getasweaton