Home interval workout programme: Bodyweight and kettlebell (not youtube/fitness blender)

yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
I'm looking for a home workout programme, which
* is difficult and something I can work towards, like using 1-legged squats instead of halfsquats with a 0.5l water bottle.
* A different, new workout every day and a database of previous workouts. Not just a 10 minute thing, but variation, and also longer workouts.
* I can't jump in my flat (noise). Thus forget about something like Insanity, which is more cardio than strength anyway
* no music in the background, preferably no group. Just a coach explaining what's planned and and a few words between/during exercises.
* No youtube, fitness blender, etc. I don't want to search for workouts, look through them to find out whether I want to do them or not. That's the point of asking for advice here.
* I kind of like Bodyrock, but it's too focussed on selling and using equipment, and the community is fairy toxic and follows every bit of whoo (ok, the latter is easy to ignore. Just don't follow the community). But a similar format, but here and there a bit more difficult and without all the kit would be great.


  • jayhschmidt
    jayhschmidt Posts: 32 Member
    Deck of cards workout may suit you. Choose your own movements. Increase the number of cards as fitness improves. You have to be a self- starter or it won't work.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    Deck of cards workout may suit you. Choose your own movements. Increase the number of cards as fitness improves. You have to be a self- starter or it won't work.

    yep. I kind of hope for something with a video. I mean I can create my own workouts, be it via a deck of cards or by just making everything up as I go along. But a theme would be nice.
  • mdlowrance
    mdlowrance Posts: 20 Member
    Down Dog has a HIIT app and a 7 minute workout app that may fit the bill.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,069 Member
    I subscribe to Zuzka Light. Some of her workouts have jumping involved, but I think you can filter on things. She was one of the creators of Body Rock. You can filter workouts by body part focus, workout equipment you have, goals (strength/flexibility/cardio, etc). Or you can just follow her daily workout program which is usually a good mix of strength, endurance/cardio and flexibility/mobility.

  • rross47
    rross47 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all - I work with an awesome coach (online, thankfully!) who sends me custom workouts through an app called true coach - she writes instructions and the app has videos that display each exercise. Really cool platform, and I LOVE my coach. Here’s a short, free at-home workout she’s put together to help folks out: https://www.canva.com/design/DAD3YPFK6PY/nhjAwovKTHqKijVq7y50hQ/view?utm_content=DAD3YPFK6PY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink
    Please let me know/reach out to her through her contact info in the packet if you could use the extra help of a coach.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,871 Member
    I subscribe to Zuzka Light. Some of her workouts have jumping involved, but I think you can filter on things. She was one of the creators of Body Rock. You can filter workouts by body part focus, workout equipment you have, goals (strength/flexibility/cardio, etc). Or you can just follow her daily workout program which is usually a good mix of strength, endurance/cardio and flexibility/mobility.


    Hmm... I looked at that yesterday because it’s currently free. How much new content is there actually? The daily workouts mostly seem to be recycled. Thought of course, being alone you can only do so much. If I ignore the yoga/stretch workouts and everything below 15 minutes it’s not really that much, or is it?
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    @yirara : Having just read your post about time of day, it seems like you are throwing up all sorts of roadblocks/conditions to your fitness. Consider this one:

    "* No youtube, fitness blender, etc. I don't want to search for workouts, look through them to find out whether I want to do them or not."

    Yes, you will have to try any workout to see if it works for you. What if you tried a different video every day for a week. Would that be so bad?

    Consider this one

    "* I can't jump in my flat (noise)."

    How about jogging or walking outdoors?