Nono yoyo - 51yo BED Aus - seeking like - this is it! Weight loss projection feature???

Hi, 51 yo mother from Melbourne, Australia. Need to lose 30kg in the next six months. Is there a weight loss projection feature?


  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Is 30kg what you need to lose to get to a healthy weight? If so, you're not going to lose it in 6 months without resorting to dangerously aggressive dieting. It's recommended to lose less than 1% of your body weight per week to avoid muscle loss and malnutrition. So if you are currently let's say 210 lbs, you can start off losing 2 lbs per week,but as you lose weight your rate if loss will need to slow down to 1.5 lbs and then 1 lb and then 0.5 lbs.

    If 30kg is just the beginning of your journey, then you have a little more wiggle room, but losing weight for 6 months at a fast pace with no break still is probably not the best idea, and would be a lot for anyone to ask of themselves.

    I'm not trying to discourage you though, you can make a lot of progress and really set yourself up with lifelong healthy habits in 6 months time!

    More info, like your current stats and why you have such an aggressive goal would help you get more targeted answers. But when you set up your MFP profile to get a calorie goal, that where you choose your rate of loss. Any projection would be a guess, there are myriad variables that will affect your actual loss, many of which you have no control over.
  • lukalulka
    lukalulka Posts: 9 Member
    My goal is by end September I will go from 96 to 67 kilos. That is 1.1 kgs per week for the next 26 weeks or 29 kilos. I am walking 90 mins a day. Around 1300 calories. Is there a projection function?