
Soooo, I'm gonna go out on a limb here.
I know this isn't a beauty related website but since this product is linked to helping rejuvenate skin (which can mean skin that has stretch marks, or wrinkly or loose skin from weight loss) I figured I'd just throw it out there and see.

Has anyone here ever used the dermaroller?
If so what's your experience? Did it work? Where did you buy one from?

I want to get one but I don't necessarily trust reviews on websites and also want to know I'm purchasing from a trusted site.

Thanks everyone!



  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    Soooooooooo. I guess I'll take that as a
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    I looked at it a couple of years ago. I would rather not roll tiny needles into my skin hoping to maybe make my stomach look a little more presentable. It also looked very time consuming.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I'd only get it done in office where it can be properly sanitized, numbing cream can be applied, and a QUALITY serum afterwards. Personally I think it's better to have them do it with a higher mm needle length as well.

    You could do it yourself but they're difficult to clean, you won't be numb so you're likely to take it easy on the pressure, and since you'll be seeing yourself do it it's not likely you'll cause bleeding (which is necessary in some cases ).

    My advice would be to search google, YouTube, amazon, and makeupalley for reviews.
  • Cardio4Cupcakes
    Cardio4Cupcakes Posts: 289 Member
    I have one. I haven't used it in years, but I purchased it for closed commodones and milia around my eyes.

    Didn't do anything and it was hard to inflict the pain on myself.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    I've tried just about everything, from creams, serums, scrubs, and even acid peels. I figured this couldn't be any crazier than any of that. Haha. I also have a high pain tolerance so I'm oddly not really worried about that as much. It's a shame it didn't work though.

    I was interested in using it for some stretch marks I would be different if they were only a few normal ones, relatively small like I used to have...but after a vicious round of prednisone (was not even supposed to be on it that long...a Dr. left his practice and left me with nowhere to go, stuck on it.:angry: ) I have HUGE ones, all over my stomach, sides, arms, under arms and breasts. I look like a wrinkly old woman and I'm only 24. It makes me ashamed of my body when I should be able to feel proud of what I've accomplished thus far.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Stretch marks are treated with lasers. I'd look into that!
  • Hi

    I work in a clinic that does derma roller and acid peels etc. I can honestly say that I am afraid there is not much out there for stretch marks derma roller and peels will not touch it I am afraid the only thing you can do its body brush the area 5 minutes a day and get the circulation back into the mark so it stays red. Then you can use tightening creams if the scar is white then you won't be able to treat it. xx
  • happyvalentinesday
    happyvalentinesday Posts: 47 Member
    My stretch marks were so deep on my stomach it was annoying and painful to think about. So I got the derma roller and theyre so much more shallow . I aldo got a cream which was for stretch marks and scars n celluilite. An all in one. Anyways it doesnt hurt too bad. Its kinda weird looking cause your skin will get red. I recommend applying cream theb rolling then apply more cream . I did this every other day for 2 weeks and my skin improved a lot. I bet if I kept it up theyd be gone. Rolling and exfoliating in the3 shower will give you great results. Btw I got my derma roller on amazon.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member

    I work in a clinic that does derma roller and acid peels etc. I can honestly say that I am afraid there is not much out there for stretch marks derma roller and peels will not touch it I am afraid the only thing you can do its body brush the area 5 minutes a day and get the circulation back into the mark so it stays red. Then you can use tightening creams if the scar is white then you won't be able to treat it. xx

    @rainbow- I actually have but its much too expensive. :ohwell:

    @fay- that's so strange that the body brush works better than the dermaroller or peels...honestly though I have tried that as well with really no success....

    Idk its kind of sounding like another false hope. Mehhhhh.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    I just noticed this thread and although it is a few months old, I have to comment.
    I did my research for over a year before buying a dermaroller. The short answer is yes, it will work.
    The reason creams have very minimum effect on stretch marks is because stretch marks are essentially scars, which are tears in the dermis and epidermis layers of skin. Creams can only penetrate the first layer, the epidermis, but don't manage to reach the dermis. Lasers are better than creams but are very expensive and results vary immensly. The dermaroller on the other hand penetrates both layers of skin with thousands of tiny holes less than 0.1mm wide. This controlled puncturing of the skin forces the body to create more collagen to fill in the holes. As we all know, collagen is what keeps our skin looking youthful, firm and elastic. Our natural production of collagen decreases as we get older and factors such as sun exposure, diet and smoking play a role in this. The dermarollerionduces collagen which plumps up the skin, therefore filling out the stretchmarks. You will notice long deep stretch marks getting shallower and breaking up, thin ones have been reported to disappear completely. Collagen production cycle takes 6weeks so rolling every day as some suggest is actually counterproductive and can make your skin worse. Although it may appear to look better at first because of temporary imflamation, you are not alllowing it to create any long term progress. Rolling any more often than 4-6 weeks can be detrimental to your skin.
    Dermarolling is NOT a quick-fix solution. It requires a lot of patience, some people don't see results until after three or four roles. But think about how long it took you to get the stretch marks. Although it may feel like they appeared overnight, they are the result of months or sometimes years of the skin stretching beyond breaking (or in this case tearing) point. In our society we look for quick, easy solutions everywhere but anyone who's gone through any weight loss / muscle gaining process knows that body just doesn't work that way. Stick with it and you will get results! Just like your workout plan and diet.
    Of course, you can't get just any dermaroller, needles of at least 1.5mm are necessary to reach the dermis layer of skin.
    So anyways, now that I've explained how it works, I'll tell you a little bit about my own experience. I've done rolled 5 times spaced 5 weeks apart, mainly on my breasts. I have lots of deep stretch marks that have been red since I got them 6 years ago from puberty. On top of that, due to weight loss, my skin looked loose and wrinkly. I'm guessing that since it was stretched to the point of scarring, it wasn't elastic enough to snap back into place when I lost weight. This of course can really knock your confidence as a 19 year old. I do have other stretch marks on my hips ans thighs but I don't mind them as much so I haven't been as dilligent with treating them.
    On my breasts I've seen incredible improvements. The large deep ones have gotten smaller and have started breaking up, all of the red ones have gotten lighter (still not normal skin color but turning more pink than red). The smaller already-silver ones are pencil line thin and invisible in certain lighting. My skin doesn't feel paper-thin anymore and it is more even in texture. I would say there is about a 40% improvement overall! I'm not at the point where I would wear a bikini in public, but I'm much less self-conscious being intimate with my boyfriend for example. I am excited to see what my skin will be like in, say 6 months from now! In fact, I was going to start a thread on here to keep everyone updated after each role because I know how many people suffer with this problem.
    Hope my answer helped and let me know if you have any more questions (:
  • astakvistlynggaard
    astakvistlynggaard Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you SO much for this comment! I have the exact same ‘issues’ and concerns about my breasts as you, and have been wondering wether to get a dermaroller or not! Do you have any advice? Some places it says to use a serum after, but I’m curious as to how you went about it.
    Thank you!