33 days on Herbalife and I feel Great

smalloneday Posts: 10 Member
edited October 2 in Success Stories
33 days on Herbalife and I feel Great
well I have been on Herbalife for 33 days and I love it. I am not tired like I use to be, I have more enorgy , I am not hungrey during the day . I feel so good. I am thinking about joining Herbalife to help others out there to feel the way I do. I have lots of different shake flavories I can make. I just so love it so glad I found Herbalife

The first day was a little hard one of the pills have caffeine in it and I took them to close and got feeling bad and had the shacks bad. all the other days have been great. I am learning how to eat right and better . when i want something the kids have cake,brownies,ice cream , I take a small bite and I am ok with not having it all, all I need is a taste.

In the 33 days on Herbalife I have had 3 days I fell off.

1. Got upset and time of month and I ate about 3 homemade brownie

2. When we lost electric during the hurricane (morning time only)

3. the first day (yesterday) that we away camping. don't know why it happened but ate 2 hoho's, 2 small bags of chips and 2 hotdogs with cheese but other then this doing good.

Yesterday I was walking out of walmart and my youngest ask for a piggy back ride I said ok and as we where walking I notice he kept slidding from my butt (now my butt had a shelf that you could sit on) and as we keep walking he keep slidding. an I said to him you not staying up like you use to anymore and he said no he keeps slidding LOL . So in 33 days my shelf on my butt has went away

Herbalife is expensive but the results I have seen and how I feel on it is well worth it

. started out doing Herbalife on mine own did not like the lady who contacted me at all. 2 weeks ago I found a lady who is there to help me she is 45 mins away but she is great and a big help.

So far I have lost 13 lbs and have lost over 12 inches. in 33 days

This month I am starting to exercise I am going to do 1 mile walk with my walking dvds. taking this one very small step at a time.


  • AWESOME! I love Herbalife. I have been on it for about 20 days and lost 5 lbs. I have so much more energy and can actually keep up with my husband, mr high energy...lol. I don't even crave sweets anymore. I couldn't believe it when someone asked me today how much weight I have lost, so I must be losing inches too!
  • That's great! I joined the team and love what they stand for. If you find like minded individuals that you love to work with you should join their team. I have experienced the same thing. I didn't like the first gal that presented it to me in fact she just wanted a sale didn't care about my health/fitness goals. I am now with a wonderful upline who supports me in every way. I'm so glad you two are herbalized it's a great family!
  • I just started herbalife today. Hopefully with this tool I'lll stay on track!
  • Hi, I just joined myfitnesspal three weeks ago and started herbalife at the same time. I have been drinking 2-3 shakes a day along with one meal and healthy snacks. I could really use a friend that is doing the same as me. :flowerforyou:
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