MY Diet Help

Hello Everyone!

I was looking for some help with my diet. I Feel like I am not seeing any result as far as fat loss goes. My weight is hovering around the same as well, but I am not worried about that as long as the fat goes. I am eating a lot of chicken and vegis, that is really it. I have a cheat day every 8 days, and even then I am not breaking calories so much, just macros. My diary should be open if you want to look and help, if not my diet it below.

Breakfast: 463 cal
-5 large eggs
-1/4 cup onions
-1/2 tbsp coconut oil
-1 tbsp of margin I can't believe its not butter

Lunch: 324 cal ish
- Chicken Breast (weight varies but I do weigh, normally around 9 oz)
- Okra (this week, change the green vegi a lot)

Same as lunch: 324 cal ish

Dinner 2: 324 cal ish.
Same again

Some days there will be a protein bar thrown in, or if I feel like I need more calories, Ill add some cheese to a meal, but thats it. I just need help and feel like I am wasting time.

With this COVID stuff, I am not going to the gym obviously, but I am doing 100 push ups a day and going for hikes on my days off work.



  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    Losing fat takes time. When did you start tracking your calorie intake? Have you lost weight? What are your stats? What is your goal?
  • LeeMclafferty
    LeeMclafferty Posts: 9 Member
    Losing fat takes time. When did you start tracking your calorie intake? Have you lost weight? What are your stats? What is your goal?

    I started about 2 years ago. I've lost about 70 lbs, which is great. I stopped tracking fir about 6 months and gained about 20 back, so I started tracking again since January and came down 16 lbs and I'm back to where I was pretty much. But I can never get past this point. And like I said the weight isn't super important, its just the body fat. My goal is to not be shredded, but I want to have a fit physique, like 15% body fat.
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    You may need to tighten up your logging. Do you use a food scale to weigh everything? The okra you had, did you use some fat to cook it or did you steam it? You have mixed ways of measuring your foods. I see grams/cups/ounces used.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 33,792 Member
    Is your chicken weighed? Are you weighing it cooked, or raw? If it's cooked, I think they entry you're using is for raw (though it doesn't say that, an issue in itself). If it's cooked, I think you're materially underestimating the chicken you eat a lot of. I'd suggest using:

    Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, skinless, boneless, meat only, raw
    Chicken, broilers or fryers, breast, skinless, boneless, meat only, cooked XXXX

    where XXXX is the cooking method (roasted, fried, stewed, etc.). Use the quantity drop-down to find a serving size/type that suits your needs.

    Occasionally, these "good" entries with the syntax above have a huge error for certain quantities. If one does, you'll know immediately. Another serving type will be accurate.
  • LeeMclafferty
    LeeMclafferty Posts: 9 Member
    @AnnPT77 @L1zardQueen when I am logging things I put exact weights and ingredients. I just wasn't about to list off the weight of every peice of chicken for the last month. They range and I document appropriately. The chicken and vegetables are cooked on a propane grill and I use nothing extra, plain chicken and vegies. I add mineral salt and pepper when eating. And its boneless skinless chicken breast (typically simple truth).I think I'm just paranoid, here's some pictures of the last 2 months.361l2amkhuk8.jpg
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    How tall are you?
    What is your daily caloric intake for a day?
    Would you say you have an active or seditary job?
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,753 Member
    You like you are making progress, just keep at it. Fitness is a lifelong endeavor.
  • LeeMclafferty
    LeeMclafferty Posts: 9 Member
    @KHMcG I am eating 2000 calories atm, it's hard to hit sometimes though. I'm a supervisor for tech support, so desk jockey full time. And I work in an auto body shop 26 hours a week. I excercise daily, but since the Covid19 stuff, I am doing 100 pushups a day and hiking on the weekends. Also I'm 5'11".
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    You like you are making progress, just keep at it. Fitness is a lifelong endeavor.

    Agreed. You do look like you are making progress. Have you taken measurements? The lying scale is a lying liar who lies, sometimes. Pictures and a measuring tape can be your best friend when that happens.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    @KHMcG I am eating 2000 calories atm, it's hard to hit sometimes though. I'm a supervisor for tech support, so desk jockey full time. And I work in an auto body shop 26 hours a week. I excercise daily, but since the Covid19 stuff, I am doing 100 pushups a day and hiking on the weekends. Also I'm 5'11".

    So I'm 5'9" 170 lbs Eating 1800 calories a day. I'm losing a lb to a half pound a week. I'm almost at goal so I've started increasing my calorie intake for a soft landing, so to speak.

    I would imagine 2000 Cal to be about right as a daily target. One trick I've learned is that I do not eat the Extra calories MFP gives me for cardiovascular exercise. For example yesterday I jumped rope for half an hour. I did not consume the 400 calories the MFP added to my daily total.

    Another thing I've learned is that the more lean muscle I have the faster I burn the calories. 100 pushups a day is a good thing. Try to complete them all within an hour period. Add 50 weighted or 100 bodyweight squats. How is your form? Would you like some video links for good pushup and squat form?

    Lastly is where your calories come from. Do not underestimate the value of nutrient rich and naturally fibrous foods. Eat an orange, don't drink the juice. Balance your plate protein, carb and vegetables. Restrict your eating to meal time and keep your meal times within 8-10 hours.