HUGE Milestone For Me

SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
I haven't recorded it yet because my weigh-in day isn't until Monday, but sometimes I step on the scale mid-week out of curiosity, just to see how things are going along and where things are fluctuating. I did this on Wednesday and saw the number 299.3. Maybe a fluctuation, I didn't really know, so I didn't record it and went along with my day. Well, I got curious again today and stepped on the scale just to see where I was and it is STILL 299.3

299 pounds. I haven't been UNDER 300 pounds in four or five years. This is huge for me and has only boosted my motivation to watch that number drop lower and lower! I was at a point where I thought I was NEVER going to see under 300 again, yet here it is and I feel fantastic!


  • Morglem
    Morglem Posts: 377 Member
    Keep up the good work! You will get there!
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    Congratulations!! Hang in there and you'll make your goals. I hit mine yesterday. It's a lot of work. But, making it was SO worth it.
  • martinh78
    Well done, think how you'll feel when you see 250!! Remember how good you feel now and keep that as motivation!
  • ratherbeskiing
    ratherbeskiing Posts: 847 Member
    congrats!!!! yay!
  • tarheelchic
    tarheelchic Posts: 20 Member
    don't weigh in through out the will only obsess about it and then teh stress will cause you to retain water weight. weight in once a week and even if the number doesn't change you have to step back and think of how you feel and what you've accomplished. one more bit of advise is to take pictures..... wear the same outfit every time as well i took pictures every 3months. it really helps because you may not see the change but man when you go through your pictures it will amaze you. also take your measurments...same thing u may not see the # on the scale change but u will lose inchs! I've been on my journey for 18months now........... good luck with your healthier journey..... Ashley
  • tarheelchic
    tarheelchic Posts: 20 Member
    feel free to look at my pictures they are in order as to when i've lost weight........ haven't taken picture in since jan2011 because i've hit a platuae...... good luck :-)
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    Great stuff.
  • iamrobyn
    There's something to really celebrate...even if it is mid-week. It's a milestone and something to inspire you to hit your next one! Enjoy the fruits of your labor on Labor Day weekend :)
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    Great job!!! Love it when that first number changes. Keep up the good work. Someday we will all look back and think about what a crazy journey we have been on.
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    Way to go!!! That is so freaking exciting!! Keep up the great work!! I can't wait til I see my first number change as well!!! :smokin:
  • cdl8
    cdl8 Posts: 164 Member
    That's fantastic!! Keep up the awesome work!
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Congrats! I can't wait for my first number to change as well!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'm so happy for you!

    Congratulations, that's amazing! [:
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Yay. That's awesome!
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    You're doing great! Congrats, I love when I have to step on the scale twice to be sure it's working correctly
  • Janice4945
    Janice4945 Posts: 39 Member
    Congratulations! So happy for you!! Keep it up and we'll all keep encouraging you.
  • ArtBrownNYC
    ArtBrownNYC Posts: 7 Member
    Great job! Keep going!
  • hhan
    hhan Posts: 74
    You're right it is a HUGE milestone. Congratulations and welcome to the 200s. Set yourself lots of minigoals if you haven't already, and revel in meeting each one of them. Eventually you'll reach the next huge one.

    I'm hoping to see ONEderland by weeks end, but whether that happens or not remains to be seen.
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