Home Visit tougher then I thought!

I am visiting my parents this weekend and it is a litter harder then I thought it would be. I am about a month into a lifestyle change and I have been doing awesome and things were clicking right along. Then...I came home to my parents house. I didn't do horrible today compared to how I used to eat at home but it was much worse then I have been doing. I am happy that I was able to make healthier choices then I know I would have in the past but I did eat over my calories and no where near as good as I have been on getting good calories. :( Just sad that it was still so hard and kind of feel like I failed today.


  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    ...or perhaps the family just wanted you to enjoy your visit home, and were unaware of your eating lfestyle change...:-} You 're probably are feeling a lot worse than you should...tomorrow's another day...:-}
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Everytime I visit home, my family whips up EVERYTHING! Don't let it hold you back...tomorrow is a new day. :) You did NOT fail, you are human!
  • AmyPearshape
    AmyPearshape Posts: 69 Member
    I know how hard that is. They have probably stocked up on goodies to feed you. Good for you, for making good choices. . Hang in there!
  • bsbunch
    bsbunch Posts: 1 Member
    Relax, take small portion. You can do this... Just recently I went to a friends home for the weekend. I chose not to tell them of my new life style. I ate what was prepared. I was surprised that I did not gain a thing. what I did was take a tablespoon of what they served if I felt it did not fit into my new style. During conversations you can get by with eating a lot less....

    Give yourself a pat on the back for being aware of what you are doing.... Congratulate yourself on the positives ... remember you are just starting and you will get better with each challenge.