Calling All Coffee Lovers/Addicts!



  • sheisbrown
    sheisbrown Posts: 171 Member
    Ummm.....Sorry but I could never do this. Not right now at least. Somedays it takes all my strength just to force myself to work out and stay within my kcal goals. I simply could not handle not having coffee either. I only drink one (or two) americanos per day which is hardly messing up my diet.

    Good luck on your quest though! I can definitely understand why you want to do it
  • BohemianDestiny
    BohemianDestiny Posts: 47 Member
    I am up to this challenge. I am a college student and don' t allows get the sleep I would like. Coffee is one of the biggest things I drink at work.

    Yay! Another brave soul to join. :P You are the second person to say yes, the other is someone on my friends list currently, you might want to add them: h3h8m3. I'm off to add you right now. We can do this! :P
  • javamonster
    javamonster Posts: 272 Member
    Sorry. You're on your own, sister! :tongue:

    Hahahaha....that's exactly what I was thinking! I decided one day I should really stop drinking it.... (cappuccino addict here, bought a cheap machine which has more than paid for itself :wink: )....of course that happened to be the day I had a lesson and was rendered completely useless on the back of a horse. Very embarrassing (and probably a little bit dangerous, as we were jumping). So I suggest you don't start it on a day on which you have something important to do!

    I didn't start drinking the stuff till I was in my 30s (when I, coincidentally, went back to school to finish my cliché!).