Weight issues and Corona 19

Hi all my name is Heather as is suffer from depression and anxiety I have decided to fight this isolation in the best way I can. I started my fitness Pal last week and walking 1 hour every day with my pup Bess. Weight day is today and I have lost 8lbs which is a fantastic starting result. :D I am determined to keep this going as it's something I can control I this world of uncertainty. My starting weight was 17st 10lb and this week is 17st 3lb. I would like anyone who is doing the same thing to please contact me and hopefully we can keep safe and healthy in the new world


  • Anahita4444
    Anahita4444 Posts: 81 Member
    Wow! 8lbs is amazing! Well done! You're doing amazing and walking everyday for an hour is a great achievement, too. I also have depression and it's been a hard road. You can do this and it's a day by day incremental climb out of the hole - trust me, I've done it. Keep going and don't let yourself get disheartened if you fall down. Just pick yourself back up and remember everyday is a new day.