I think that for awhile...

I am going to stop counting calories and weighing for awhile, maybe a month. I will still be coming on here for support, I will still be eating til the point I am full and exercising and drinking my water.

It is becoming too much and I think that with the pressure I am putting on myself to be at my goal weight by christmas, I am actually making myself sick, sure it could happen - BUT i am plain tired and exhausted of counting every calorie i put in my mouth, and exercising twice a day EVERY day.

I used to be anorexic and feel that if I continue like this that I am going to relapse. I am not giving up, not at all. This way sure it may make it a little bit longer, but I am still on my way to a healthier lifestyle not an unhappy/ano one.

If anyone else out there is recovering from an eating disorder I would love to chat with you.
Love Ellie xo


  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I think you are doing the right thing. Good for you. I am here if you need any support!
  • Amatullah1986
    Amatullah1986 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm not recovering from an eating disorder but i am an emotional eater .........i don't know what category that falls into. Well done to you for knowing the warning signs and being in control of the situation. I don't know much about anorexia, only what i've seen on documentaries, from my understanding and please correct me if i'm wrong but many people with eating orders like to feel incontrol of the situation and start to become very obsessive and how they look and what they eat........so maybe counting calories and weighing foods is not a good thing for you to be doing. I'm really not sure i hope someone else comes in and gives better advice.
    I say do what works for you, try not to obsess over numbers just concentrate on a healthier you.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I'm not recovering from an eating disorder but i am an emotional eater .........i don't know what category that falls into. Well done to you for knowing the warning signs and being in control of the situation. I don't know much about anorexia, only what i've seen on documentaries, from my understanding and please correct me if i'm wrong but many people with eating orders like to feel incontrol of the situation and start to become very obsessive and how they look and what they eat........so maybe counting calories and weighing foods is not a good thing for you to be doing. I'm really not sure i hope someone else comes in and gives better advice.
    I say do what works for you, try not to obsess over numbers just concentrate on a healthier you.

    Yeah no that is why I have decided to stop counting calories for awhile and put the scale away.. inbox me if you would like to talk :)
  • HeidiRoseC
    totally doing the right thing. I have Binge Eating Disorder and cant cope with dieting so i'm just loosing weight very slowly and trying not to worry about it too much - I just congratulate myself if my weight is going in the right direction and I've eaten fruit & veg. My closest friend is anorexic and we joke that if we swapped symptoms for a week we'd both be fine! We find we both have similar underlying issues but act it out in the opposite way. So I give her food and she gives me her diet pills. lol Seriously though, I think youre really brave - i know how hard it is - keep up the good work. xx
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    That sounds good to me, but I am just curious - why are you exercising twice a day? Are you doing two short workouts or two big workouts? One workout should suffice for the day in my opinion.