Against stretchmarks and excess skin?

I have this problem and fear...
Some stretchmarks I never had are popping out.. I've seen around extreme photos of people with a lot of stretchmarks and excess skin that really falls off. I know mostly it's because of a fast weight loss. But I'm really horrorized at having that problem.
A friend of mine lost 35 kg in 7 months (he went extreme...) and now his arms, belly etc are full of stretchmarks, the skin isn't compact, and all in one it isn't a very nice view.
I don't want to get thinner to look better, to then not be able to wear a bikini in public because of skin falling down or stretchmarks.
I combine cardio and weighttraining and started to drink much more, also, try to put on creams and such..

but is there any excercise that helps a bit to prevent those?
Maybe it's a stupid fear, but.. I saw shocking pictures.. considering I'm not a mother and still young, I fear loosing 20kgs is too much for my skin to be as everyone else 'stiff and firm'.


  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    If you are young, what is your problem? Loose at a reasonable rate, and you will be the healthier for it. Besides, one piece bathing suits are easier to swim in than bikinis, and more modest too. And swimming is what keeps you healthy and your skin glowing. Make up the hidden skin with glamour and elegance in your dress. Most men find that sexier than skin.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • kimtpa1417
    kimtpa1417 Posts: 461 Member
    rapid weight loss causes the skin not to go back because the weight loss is much faster than the skin to go back. If you loose slow and steady the healthy weight most of your skin should go back.

    I've done the rapid weight loss and my stomach and thighs stayed flabby but now it all seems to be going away together.
  • applechild
    So that means, it can go back together?
    When I google 'stretchmarks', I see some pictures that really make me be fearful..
    I just don't want my belly too look as if it was 'burned'.
    I'll just try to loose weight slowly and go on with weights and such?
    Aren't there any specific exercises to help the skin to be more compact or elastic?
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Why are you googling for extreme pictures? Just look at the pictures the gals here post, and you don't see stretchmarks.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Unfortunately you may not know until you get there. Your best defense will be eating healthful food, losing slowly, and exercise, muscle building, and moving on. Some things you can change, somethings you may not be able to. The younger you are the more likely to have success with your skin snapping back. You can't go wrong with building muscle.

    If nothing else, you will be much healthier for it. Don't let a few stretch marks define you as a person. You are SO MUCH more than that! There is a lot more to life than that. My goal was to look better in clothes. Losing 5 pants sizes works for me!

    Good luck. Chin up.
  • applechild
    It's so true what you say, and I know I'm going maybe a bit paranoid about that.. I might have to handle and just work harder.
  • momomua
    Hey applechild, I would say that losing excess weight is a win win situation whether you get stetchmarks or not. I got them after childbirth and it really hasn't changed the way I dress, I agree with Grassette that modest dressing is much nicer :)
  • applechild
    thanks for the support.
    As I said, I get a bit paranoic.. Now I don't feel comfy in bikini or skirts etc.., I just wouldn't like to feel afterwards uncomfy, not because of the weight but of the marks. xD
    But I'll just work on that. :)