How much calories were you eating before?

Did anyone log their daily calorie intake before trying to eat healthy?


  • Unicorn_Bacon
    Unicorn_Bacon Posts: 491 Member
    edited April 2020
    For a lot of people who put weight on slowly, their calorie intake probably wasnt much over their maintenance, it only takes 100 calories more per day for a year over your maintenance to gain 10 pounds..
  • lgfrie
    lgfrie Posts: 1,449 Member
    I've made several attempts with spreadsheets to "reconstruct" my pre-diet life to see how many calories I was eating. It was hard to do, because the range was anywhere from pretty normal eating some of the time, to serious binging a few times a week, and it was hard to pinpoint what a "typical" or average day looked like, or if there was such a thing.

    But I came up with 3,200 - 3,400 as a typical number for when I was neither paying attention to eating well nor going crazy with junk food, and binge days clocking in at around 5,500-7,000 calories. There were a lot of binge days. At my peak I was 330 lbs and that didn't come from eating carrots and celery :)

    Too, I had quite a few years when I was drinking more than "a glass of wine with dinner", and that added about 400-500 cals/day, on top of the above numbers. I had to quit drinking to get serious about losing weight, one of the best decisions I've made in my life.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    easily over 3000
  • Leticiafiona
    Leticiafiona Posts: 6 Member
    No less than 2500.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Idk. I never thought about it. But my husband used to make fun of my lumber jack portions and that I must have a hollow leg or something in order to eat as much as I did.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    LaReinaDeCorazones Posts: 274 Member
    Lol probably 3000+
  • WillUK5
    WillUK5 Posts: 1 Member
    I was probably clocking in like 3500-4000 calories a day, started dieting seriously about 3 months ago now, spent the first two months going gym constantly but now obviously the gyms are shut so I've moved onto a lower calorie diet. On average I'm on like 1500cal a day now and have lost 2 stone