New start!

jenniebean12 Posts: 3
edited October 2 in Introduce Yourself
Im like most of you. Here to start another fad. Another Diet. But I am in the frame right now, this is NOT another diet, fad. This is a life changing day for me. I need to lose this weight off me.

My name is Jennifer, I am 26 yrs old from NL, Canada. I have one son, 16 months old. I luckly have all of my pregnancy weight gone ( thank you weightwatchers). However, when I was pregnant, I had pregnancy diabetes. So that tells me if I don't lose the weight, I WILL have diabetes. Something I want to have? NOPE.

So here, a toast to all of us, achieving our goals. our dreams... and OUR FUTURE! :)


  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    I hope it is a whole grain toast! Good luck in your journey, this site is working for me.
  • Thank you! I need it to work for me!
  • I too am just starting this journey (again) I've tried many and need all the encouragement I can get. : ) So far it hasnt become a health issue for me nor do i want it to -- I have 10 beautiful grandchildren that I want to be around for. I want to learn a healthier life style, have more energy, look better in my clothes ( heck buy new clothes). Also, make a few new friends. Here's to all of us achieving our goals.
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