Weight Loss Journey

Hello Everyone! Well I've started my weight loss journey at the beginning of this year. I had already planned my workouts for the month of January but I didn't go through with it because I was really stressed about not getting my period. Well, turns out that I have hypothyroidism and everything now makes sense as to why I'm always sleepy/tired, low energy, easily cold,ect.
***To make this short
Gender:Female.  Age:20
Current Weight:150 lbs . 
Goal Weight:120lbs.  Height:4'11
***My Plan is to lose 30lbs 5 Months
I know some people have lost that much weight in 3 months but I don't want my health to worsen.
I'm using FitOn a new workout app that I really like so far and I'm working out 3 times a week. I'm already planning my meals and I'm doing 5:2 fast where I fast for 2 days of the week but I'm allowed to eat 500 calories and tbh I know I can do it but I'm unsure how it'll affect me.
Is there anyone who has the same health condition as I do and still lost weight?
Will fasting affect my health in a bad way?
What are things that have helped you lose weight with or without any health conditions?
I'm new to this forum and all I want is to share my journey with you all in hopes to motivate ya'll and encourage ya'll to do it. I plan to weekly update to keep myself accountable.


  • miss211lbs
    miss211lbs Posts: 22 Member
    Hey I use the FitOn app also and love it. I'm looking for accountability partner to help me achieve my weightloss goals. Swnd me an email invite from the Fit on website (app wont let you send invites unless I'm saved to you telephjone contacts). My email is shanikehillary2005@yahoo.com