I Need Diary Help For Long Weekend Parties

Hi Everyone!

As summer comes to an end there are always parties to celebrate the great season ( or the fact that the kids are going back to school). How do you guys suggest surviving these parties that have lots of finger foods? How do you account for this in your diary? Please help as there are two of these parties in my near future (this weekend - yikes!)

Thanks in advance!


  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    You just do the best you can, plan ahead, I always try to eat lighter the day before or at least better foods and can you squeeze in a workout early int he day before the parties? Can you offer to bring a dish (something healthy low cal) that way you can eat more of it? these are the things that i try to do, but i also realize that in the end im probably going to go over one day, its okay, holidays and parties dont happen everyday, this is part of life...it'll be alright.
  • wcasie
    wcasie Posts: 299 Member
    are you providing any of the food yourself?? what i try to do is eat really light before i go (if I eat at all) then I bring something I know that I can eat. Whether its a veggie tray or salad or something like that. I sample a little of everything but eat primarily what I brought. If you know what everyone is making you can plan ahead and set aside the calories you think you are going to eat.

    my next suggestion is everyone needs a day off. some peeps can't take a day off and jump back on the wagon. I don't know you so I can't say if this is the case. Sometimes you need to enjoy life and that includes food. Be smart, plan ahead and you will be fine!
  • RobertaG
    RobertaG Posts: 205 Member
    how about you bring something healthy to the party
    go for the vegetable tray ( no ranch)
    avoid fried things/ meatballs
    have cocktail shrimp
    fresh is better than fried
    fill up at home so that you arent starving at the party and stuff your face
  • These are all amazing suggestions - thanks MFP people! I think I will just keep my goal in the back of my mind and take a well deserved day off from scrutinizing everything that I eat or drink. :drinker: It is a party after all! LOL
  • Bluejay789
    Bluejay789 Posts: 176
    Personally, I would work out the morning of the party so there are extra calories.

    You could do a draft text of what you have eaten in your phone and no one will no you are logging your food for future food diary entry.

    Most parties also have small paper plates, fill the small paper plate with items that will fill you up like raw veggies and meat so you do not have empty calories such as cookies and stuff.

    I recently went to a birthday party given by my neighbor for my husband. I ate small portion of lasanga and salad. I said no to Wine, bread, cake, and ice cream. Amazing after the dinner, cake and ice cream... everyone was miserable except me!

    Personally I cannot work out all week, log my food eat right and then in one night blow the entire week. I have been making excuses for years why I should have a cake and everything else.
  • Well the party day is here! Thanks everyone for the great advice. I am just about to head out for a walk to work of the extra calories before I eat and drink them. I think I will try to stick to the veggie platter (no dip) and have a few extra Coors Light! :laugh: