Running Strollers?

Do any of you run with a stroller?
How is it?
I'm 5 months pregnant and looking for options. I read that they're awful for your posture and running form :/ I tried running with a stroller once and I absolutely hated it, but I was also only a kid trying to push my sister so I don't know if I can trust that experience.

I also run with two dogs and they run ahead of me so I'm not sure how that would work. I will leave the baby with my husband or a sitter to run before I leave my dogs home. Without them, I don't even like running. Its just not enjoyable.

I had looked into the KidRunner, which allows you to pull the child behind you, but its way out of my budget. I can't justify $800 for a stroller. At that point I would just have someone watch the baby while I run.
There's also the Stroll-Smart, which is also handsfree, but its meant to be worn so that the stroller is in front of you. Judging by the pictures, do you think it would work to flip myself around and wear it backwards? So that I would still be pulling the stroller?

Pictured first is the KidRunner and then the Stroll-Smart



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    most mom runners i know like the Bob but it can be expensive - but running with a stroller and dog will be tricky - you might need to trade out - 1 run with dogs, 1 with kid etc (you are also - apparently - not supposed to run with kids until they are 6-12mths old)
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    most mom runners i know like the Bob but it can be expensive - but running with a stroller and dog will be tricky - you might need to trade out - 1 run with dogs, 1 with kid etc (you are also - apparently - not supposed to run with kids until they are 6-12mths old)

    I'll have to look into it! I was hoping to find a way to run with the stroller behind me because my dogs always always run ahead, like this. We do canicross.
    Maybe I'll just get used to the idea of leaving the kid at home. I absolutely will not leave the dogs home or I will not run at all. I'm so used to them pulling me faster that running without them is so slow and miserable.

    So ideally it would be dogs, then me, then stroller. Sounds complicated, I know, but when they run they are super focused and just go. So I think it could work? But I don't want to waste the money on an expensive set up only to never use it because it does turn out to be too complicated.

  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    My sister does stroller strides and also runs with 2 boys. Bob strollers are very popular. Without a good stroller, it can be very cumbersome. I know you run with your dogs, and have a good routine worked out with them but you are going to have a baby, which changes everything. You might have to make accommodations, be it taking turns running with dogs/baby, or something else.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I used to love running with my kids in the stroller. It was great fun to have a companion. I believe they loved the ride too.
    Mine were a while ago, so I do not know which strollers are popular now. But there are serious differences, so shop around. Maybe go to the running shoe store where they don't sell strollers and ask around? Someone there would be likely to know and have opinions.
    One more thing, fyi, very young children who ride in running strollers can get detached retinas. So you have to wait until they are a bit older. (We did not know this and started taking our kids out when they were WAY too young! Fortunately, nothing happened.) I believe they say no running strollers until nine-months to one-year of age. But I am not so sure, so check it out.
    Have fun. It is great to see them get excited about the scenery!
  • CarolAnnie88
    CarolAnnie88 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband has ran hundreds of miles with the double bob and it has lasted years and works great. He highly recommends it and was probably one of the best kid purchases we have made. Our kids are on the verge of out growing it and it is still going strong.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    most mom runners i know like the Bob but it can be expensive - but running with a stroller and dog will be tricky - you might need to trade out - 1 run with dogs, 1 with kid etc (you are also - apparently - not supposed to run with kids until they are 6-12mths old)

    I'll have to look into it! I was hoping to find a way to run with the stroller behind me because my dogs always always run ahead, like this. We do canicross.
    Maybe I'll just get used to the idea of leaving the kid at home. I absolutely will not leave the dogs home or I will not run at all. I'm so used to them pulling me faster that running without them is so slow and miserable.

    So ideally it would be dogs, then me, then stroller. Sounds complicated, I know, but when they run they are super focused and just go. So I think it could work? But I don't want to waste the money on an expensive set up only to never use it because it does turn out to be too complicated.


    i'd add the more you run wiht the more variables you have for things going wrong - you assume that your dogs will stay in front of you while running with towing the kid behind - but it only takes one distraction and all 3 of you could be hurt - kind like riding a bike and using a dog leash - 9 times outta 10 it works, but that one time...
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,220 Member
    We have a Thule and both my wife and I have run with it a decent amount. I always push it if we're doing a race and it does well in crowds. I know we looked at a Bob but I don't recall the differences the led us to the Thule. I also prefer it to our regular stroller overall, especially for trips to the zoo, amusement parks, ren fest, etc. If I had a gripe, the height isn't designed for someone 6'1", even with the handle tilted all the way up. My wife is also tall-ish at 5'8" but it doesn't bother her as much as it does me.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    most mom runners i know like the Bob but it can be expensive - but running with a stroller and dog will be tricky - you might need to trade out - 1 run with dogs, 1 with kid etc (you are also - apparently - not supposed to run with kids until they are 6-12mths old)

    I'll have to look into it! I was hoping to find a way to run with the stroller behind me because my dogs always always run ahead, like this. We do canicross.
    Maybe I'll just get used to the idea of leaving the kid at home. I absolutely will not leave the dogs home or I will not run at all. I'm so used to them pulling me faster that running without them is so slow and miserable.

    So ideally it would be dogs, then me, then stroller. Sounds complicated, I know, but when they run they are super focused and just go. So I think it could work? But I don't want to waste the money on an expensive set up only to never use it because it does turn out to be too complicated.


    i'd add the more you run wiht the more variables you have for things going wrong - you assume that your dogs will stay in front of you while running with towing the kid behind - but it only takes one distraction and all 3 of you could be hurt - kind like riding a bike and using a dog leash - 9 times outta 10 it works, but that one time...

    I was thinking this, too. The risk for injury is higher.