i'm ashamed to my very core

chunkyjlo Posts: 6
I went over on my calories 3 days in a row. topping out at around 3000 extra cals. HOW do I cope! how do I fix this???????


  • brocantrs
    brocantrs Posts: 273 Member
  • i get that, normally i have it. But lately, its been terrible.
  • You wake up to a brand new day - to do things right :))
  • how do i improve that.
  • nicbic123
    nicbic123 Posts: 75 Member
    just start again the next day...try again...and again and again...you WILL get back on track! x

    p.s. i do this quite often i'm afraid to say!

  • Don't be ashamed. Don't beat yourself up. Every day is a new day to try again and do better. You can do it!
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Ride it out and try your best. It may not be what you want to eat, but that fact that you are holding yourself accountable means that you are miles away from where you were when you started. We all have bad days, weeks and we just need to keep going and kick the funk. :)
  • lexgem
    lexgem Posts: 163
    Just don't get stuck in a cycle of guilt. You messed up, try to identify "why" if you can to learn from your mistake and move on. Today is a new day :)
  • how do i improve that.

    Just one day at a time, acknowledge your guilt - and then put it behind you focusing on a new day.
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    Just do better. Yes you messed up those three days but that doesnt stop you from being able to control and maintain from here on out. I bet you never want to feel this way again...therefore you wont! Just accept your oopsy days and never let it happen again

    and when it happens again forgive yourself and move on. You can do this!
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Exercise and self-control.
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I try to only keep low calorie snacks in the house. I quit buying any trigger foods for now. If I want something extra I make sure I exercise. Today is a new day :smile:
  • ColoradoRobin
    ColoradoRobin Posts: 510 Member
    Move past it. Log faithfully every bite you eat. Before eating anything think about how you feel right now after going way over on calories. Which feels better; the immediate gratification of the food you shouldn't eat, followed by guilt and self directed anger, or the longer term sense of pride and satisfaction of choosing healthy foods and losing excess fat? You need to remember how you will feel afterwards to counter that moment of weakness when temptation strikes. You can get past the temptation!
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    You wake up to a brand new day - to do things right :))

    I agree! You forgive yourself, and just make it better. I say sit down, fill out your profile, inspirations, reasons why you want to lose weight, etc. Read it over and over again, go for a walk, clear your head and start from there. Imagine this, you woke up this morning, you are breathing and maybe the sun is shining. Either way, make the best of that!
  • first off....NO SHAME!!!!!! Now sit down and figure out...where is the problem..... snacking, portion control, or lack of exercise....make appropriate changes....today is a new day...YOU CAN DO THIS.....we are all rooting for you to succeed..
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    try to find a different frame of mind...or a strong reason to stay on target.
    One thing that worked for me was putting myself in "training." I went on a strict exercise regimen, and when I wanted to eat something I couldnt have I'd just tell myself, "no, I'm in training." It actually works super well. I guess that's how athletes do it.
  • mocklin
    mocklin Posts: 33 Member
    Try to plan your food the night before. That way you don't feel like you have wiggle room. Keep in mind that 3500 calories is a pound, so if you eat 3500 extra calories that is working towards gaining a pound and the same goes for keeping a 3500 calorie deficient. It's not always that cut in dry, but it helps me to think of it that way. I know if I eat that far over my calories that I'm really letting a pound come back. It's all a mental game. The worst thing you can do is let yourself feel defeated. You are not defeated! You had 3 bad days, now make sure you have 3 good ones:) Good luck!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Try to keep healthy foods in the house and just walk by the unhealthy foods in the supermarket like they don't exist. I'm not sure if you go out to eat a lot, but I used to do that and I've cut that down to once a week. And that once a week I go to a place that is relatively healthy and really think of what I'm getting is it full of cheese and fat, or is it more fruits and veggies with some chicken and maybe a role. Also, its about moderation so when you are eating healthy don't fully cut out some of the unhealthy foods you love just eat them in moderation this should keep you from binging on a bag of Doritos or eating the whole pizza. When I do this I will take what I want to eat like two pieces of pizza put them on my plate then put the pizza away (out of site out of mind). Well these tips are what I do I hope they help.
  • the hard part is i am broke at college and we have to purchase an unlimited meal plan. I go to school in the south. nothing is "healthy". So my solution is i guess avoiding biscuits and sticking with eggs and lean meat sandwiches lol
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Meal planning, even down to your snacks. Either write out on a calendar what you will be having, or make ahead and package. Or both. Plan for success, and it will come. Eventually you will get a good routine going. Guilt is not a positive tool, education is.
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