i'm ashamed to my very core



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    Change in any way is a cycle.. we go through times when we plan change, when we act on it and when we mess up moving back a step.. You've moved back a step. Only YOU know whether you are ready to move on at the moment. If you are, then as PP's said move forward in a new day tomorrow and don't look back to what happened today.. or the day before.
    You CAN do this, you just have to want it more than the bad foods. :)
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    When you feel shame, that is what keeps you from getting up, dusting yourself off, and continuing on. We all have slip ups, we all make mistakes, we all fall off sometime. But it's like falling off when riding a bicycle. Dust yourself off, get back in the saddle, and continue on your ride. You can still get to your destination if you don't sit and cry over your skinned knee.

    Identify what made you fall so that you will try not to make that mistake again if you ever come upon a similar situation, and move on. There really is no use in beating yourself up over it because that's usually what causes you to cycle like you have for the past few days.

    Remember that you're worth this journey! You can do it! :)
  • Latoyamary
    Instead of focusing on feeling guilt, ask yourself why did you go over... Were you actually hungry, were you upset, nervous, etc. Try to figure out if the eating was emotionally based because sometimes it is.

    Don't beat yourself up about it, it has happens to the major of us. Also, learn to forgive yourself. Just focus on one meal at a time, take baby steps.. Everyday is a new day, a new opportunity to make a small or big change. :flowerforyou:
  • rrrbecca11

    The ONLY thing.
  • SarahRazaq
    First of all, DONT BEAT YOURSELF UP. Second, WHY are you doing it is a another reason, Its not normal to consume thousands of extra calories a day.. WHAT IS TRIGGERING THIS BAD EATING? Are you a STRESS EATER, EMOTIONAL EATER, NERVOUS EATER, what is YOUR RELATIONSHIP with food? I'm not posting to make you feel bad, I am posting from experience. I, at one time, ate over 5,000 calories a day. I WAS 360 POUNDS. I KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO BE UNCONTROLLABLE WITH FOOD. I found out my triggers, found out the reason WHY I was so
    UNCONTROLLABLE and ADDICTED. Subsequently, I've lost 107 pounds..

    What can you do about? Simply, self control isnt the answer, obviously you may HAVE AN ADDICTION. Find out your TRIGGERS. Be honest with yourself. Only then will you be able to conquer the problem.

    If you need someone to talk to about anything, you are in the RIGHT PLACE. We are here to encourage, not critize. We are here to uplift, not degrade.

    Weight loss is a LIFE LONG JOURNEY. It will not be FIXED OVERNIGHT. There is more to loosing weight than physical calories in, calories out, its mental, emotional, and spiritual.
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Don't be ashamed, we all fall off at 1 time or another. What I am doing that is working for me I joined this 90 challenge to get Healthy and Free. I work on my personal growth learning and improving my How's and Why's of this challenge. I Balance my Nutrition, I take Zeal wellness formula twice daily, write down any and everything I eat with the MFP partner App, drink at least a gallon of water. Important thing is to plan ahead I eat 6 times a day keeping my calories between 1200 to 1500 per day, that's eating every 2 to 3 hours this keeps the hunger down and when I wanna cheat I eat a low snack, take 2 protein shakes daily this keeps my metabolism up, I am increasing my exercise just moving more than I do. All these together will manage my weight. I don't like to think of the word Diet it means, sabatoge to me I will be cheating before the day is out. So get on the challenge join us here we will support as we can.
  • chunkyjlo
    also, not that this is much better, but my 3000 extra calories are the extra cals from the three days added up
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    I went over on my calories 3 days in a row. topping out at around 3000 extra cals. HOW do I cope! how do I fix this???????

    Just make it up for it starting today & make sure you're not getting over this time. I also suggest zigzagging your calorie intake so you won't have to feel "deprived" of those delicious high calorie foods.
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Oh, 3000 calories extra for all 3 days? Not quite as bad. I routinely have days where I will eat nearly 1000 calories over. But I also have days where I'm a few hundred under. As long as you average close to your goal, you'll be on track.
    If all the school has is food that you consider unhealthy, just choose the lesser of the evils and try to limit yourself to smaller portions. Drink water or iced tea or at the very least diet sodas if you can't resist soda. I eliminated vast numbers of calories from my diet by just switching to drinking water most of the time.
  • WhiteRaven
    WhiteRaven Posts: 138 Member
    If you Bite it, Write it.

    keep a notebook: When you eat something write down the calories - Then, in addition to the calories and what you ate also write down why you ate it, what triggered the need for the food. What were you feeling.

    Doing this might provide the bigger picture and you can see what is triggering the need to eat all those calories and then correct it.

  • kittycarson
    Can't change the past, can you??? Nope...There is a prayer that says, God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change...In other words, no use crying over spilled milk. We ALL mess up. We are only human. Just accept it, FORGIVE YOURSELF...and get right back on the horse. . Make a conscious decision that, as much as you are able, food will not be your master...BUT YOU WILL MASTER IT! You can do this!!!!!
  • elvie64
    elvie64 Posts: 32 Member
    I log the moment of shame in the memory bank. Do I want to feel this again, nope! Next time I want to go off the rails, I take a second to remember the nasty feeling and overwrite it with the good feeling of doing well. Takes but a second and it's fairly effective for me as long as I don't run away from it, by not logging in or weighing yourself, or whatever it is you do to keep track.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    learn from it.

    recommit yourself to your goals

    and move on!
  • maserati185
    maserati185 Posts: 263 Member
    These three days in a row of overage have NOT ruined you... just in case you were thinking that.

    Give yourself a single cheat meal once a week, if you have to... where you can go "hog wild", as I call it. IF you are buying snack machine items, stop. BEFORE you get hungry, buy bananas/apples/carrots/rice cakes/etc. and have them ready. If you always go to eat on a whim, you probably will have a harder time teaching yourself self-control. Eating nuts and cheese can help curve cravings. ALSO... if you just can't eat right (for the moment), make up for it with exercise. Put your music on or grab a friend or get out there and enjoy the silence and go for a fast-pace walk. Walk and walk and walk until you feel you have really burned up some cals. This may make you feel better about the overage and will definitely trim it down. Eat better. Get active. These will change your life.