17 day diet

Has anyone tried the 17 day diet ? I'm interested in feedback from those who have tried it.


  • A friend mentioned she's doing it but I didn't ask...What is it?
  • I'm not normally a fan of these "Diets" but I've heard this is very healthy basically gets you back to eating healthy whole foods...can't go wrong with that! I'd have to review the basics but I recall when I first heard about it I thought - hey finally something that makes some sense! And if you like a lot of structure or at least a jump start this is probably one of the better ways to go about it.
  • Hi just jumped on a few sites, it sounds good, recipes sound good!
    Think I may have a go
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    I have been on the 17 Day Diet for a little over a month and have lost about 15 pounds so far! I love it, and I'm not finding myself going hungry by following the plan. I highly recommend it.
  • Hi Me and my husband tried this diet ! and He lost over a stone , with me I only lost 5lbs and as soon as I came off I put on 3lbs! its very strick and found I couldnt really go out with it or no fleaxbility, but have applied a few of the rules such as no bread etc.. my husband does the same and he has kept the weight off, the book makes an interesting read and you could apply some of the things and benefit .
  • will be starting it today....AGAIN
  • candiigraham
    candiigraham Posts: 53 Member
    will be starting it today....AGAIN
    Why AGAIN - What happened the other time? I am thinking about doing this, because I have been working out for 4 months (not the last 2 weeks) and eating 1200-1500 calores had only lost 5 pounds, so I am doing something wrong!
  • Ktylerw
    Ktylerw Posts: 36 Member
    I've done this diet before and it works very well. If I had to do it again, I wouldn't cut out everything it says too. I wouldn't deprive myseld completely of all bread because when you start eating them again your weight will fluctuate. If you're only eating 1200 calories and working out, you're probably not losing because you're not eating enough. Make sure your protein is really high compared the the other and watch your carbs and sugar intake. Hope this helps!
  • MonRos318
    MonRos318 Posts: 6 Member
    I just started this the other day---i like it so far, especially compared to the ATKINS... tried that one many years ago and it was too strict and specific! With this one it mentions eating plenty of healthy protiens and lots of veggies.