First time on elliptical machine



  • adotbaby
    adotbaby Posts: 199 Member
    Kudos on trying the elliptical, it's definitely a workout. I switch between that, rower and treadmill. I have a tm at home, so that gets the most use. At the gym, the rower is the best all-around workout by far.
  • kimgeloneck08
    kimgeloneck08 Posts: 2 Member
    edited February 2020
    Yesterday I went to gym and tried the stair master..... I could only do 10 steps. I couldn’t go on. Those steps are huge.
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    The thing to know about the Elliptical is that it was invented by Precor, who I think still makes the best one. When you are using any other manufacturer, the design is slightly different (and I feel not as good).

    The design of the Precor is that the back of the "skis" are moving in a circle while the fronts are riding in a linear track. The angle of the front track changes with the difficulty setting. You can make it very easy by flattening the front track out (at a low difficulty level) or very hard by making it steep (closer to climbing steps).

    I think this design is pretty amazing and have used it on and off for years. I can max my HR without much impact on the joints. The only reason I haven't been using it lately is that I've been focusing on running and cycling as part of Triathlon training. But, if I ever have a running injury, the elliptical is where I will go.
  • midlomel1971
    midlomel1971 Posts: 1,283 Member
    I love the elliptical...easy on the knees and easy for me to zone out and watch TV while I do it.
  • t1tchyi3itch
    t1tchyi3itch Posts: 1 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    At the start it is very tiring and makes you feel like you're gonna die. Work up slowly. Also, try switching directions with your legs every 5 minutes. Forwards, then backwards, keep switching.

    I remember the first time I went backwards, couldn't walk for 2 days 😂😂 but brilliant idea. Also if you feel comfortable on the machine, not holding on is great for your core.
  • rachiedc
    rachiedc Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2020
    The first time I did the elliptical, the first 1-2 minutes was KILLING ME! Same thing on the 2nd time, 3rd, time, etc. lol but it did get easier after the first few minutes. I was motivated because I knew I was burning way more calories compared to the treadmill.
  • dulcitonia
    dulcitonia Posts: 278 Member
    I love my elliptical.. so much less impact than treadmill but still a workout