should i be doing this everyday?

so I recently started a tumbling class, and it because evident very quickly that I was seriously lacking in the strength area. The coach there gave me some exercises to do to increase my strength. This happened on Friday, but I still haven't started yet, because I'm pretty sore from the class. Anyways, I thought he said to do this everyday, but I'm not I'm asking on here. Should I be doing this every day, or every other day, or what? Also, any advice for how I should fit cardio in with this? thanks so much!

1. "hollows" (building up to 2 min.)- lay on back, raise chest up but keep lower back on ground, raise legs a few inches and hold for as long as possible
2. lay on stomach, raise arms and chest up, then legs up, then both (15 reps of each)
3. lay on elbow on 1 side, push hips up and down (15 reps each side)
4. sit ups
5. push ups
6. handstand against wall (10 reps, 15 sec. each)

sorry I don't know the official names for these exercises...hope you can kinda-sorta figure out what I'm talking about! the only reason I posted exactly what I do is because I posted about this one time before, and people seemed to think I was doing intense strength training...this really only takes about 10 min. max. I do more "official" strength training 3 days a week, so I'm wondering if I should just add this to that, or do it every day.


  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    I'd wait for the current soreness to go down a little bit and then start the strengthening exercises. Do as many as you can until you build up strength. I probably wouldn't do them every day at this point... Maybe every other day and fill in the intermittent days with some simple yoga positions, so you're going into overkill all at once.
  • wenswear
    wenswear Posts: 14 Member
    Sounds a lot like Pilates (except for the handstand). These seem like fairly gentle exercises but you don't want to get so sore that it puts you off of doing them. Maybe build up gradually, every other day for the first week and see how you feel?