
lj_wu Posts: 5 Member
Hello! My name is Lyd, and I'm looking for a group of people my age (early twenties) to join together and support each other! I'm hoping for exercise tips, recipes, snacking plans, plateau-reducers, and more to be floating around.

Please reach out! Let's be encouraging and support each other on a quest on being healthy!

- L


  • amberssmiley
    amberssmiley Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Lyd, I am 26 and would love be a support buddy :smiley:
  • Taytaylynn92
    Taytaylynn92 Posts: 230 Member
    I’m 27 and always looking for supportive friends!
  • sandrita248
    sandrita248 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello from Spain! Yesterday was my birthday... 26 here! :)
    I'm looking for the same, some inspiring friends during the weight loss joruney!
    Feel free to add me!
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    26 from England! feel free to add me 😊
  • lj_wu
    lj_wu Posts: 5 Member
    Yay!! @amberssmiley @Taytaylynn92 @sandrita248 @roz0810 so excited! Let's do this together <3
  • lj_wu
    lj_wu Posts: 5 Member
    Tell me about your goals! Where are we at right now, friends?

    I can start!

    My 20th birthday is coming up in May, and I'm hoping to be in the 120s (American here, so I use lbs) by then! I started this year at 160lbs (~72.5 kgs), and I'm down to 133lb as of today! My longer-term weight goal is to be at 120lbs by the end of June (fingers crossed). There are *so* many reasons to want to be healthy, but I think that my primary motivation is that I want to honor my body and invest in it early on, ya know?
  • sjdaulton8542
    sjdaulton8542 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m Sarah and I’m 21. I’m new here so if you want you are free to add me :)
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    I lost 28+lbs and gained some of it back. Goal is 168lbs for now. Currently 194. I was 173 in Feb but it crept back! Goal to calorie count daily and exercise.
  • ecrispi
    ecrispi Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I’m 25, in Tennessee. Feel free to add me :)
  • amberssmiley
    amberssmiley Posts: 7 Member
    Where I am at:

    So as I mentioned I am 26, I am 5ft 9in and currently 196.4lbs (already down 4 lbs since starting my journey) I usually linger around 180 but had a lot of weight creep on since September. And I will be honest, I wasn't watching what I eat, or working out much. I was just being lazy. My goal now is to back down to my regular and then keep the momentum going, with my end goal weight being 160lbs. I have basically been heavier than I have wanted to be since my college years and feel like I really need to make a change so that I can feel younger, and sexier in my own skin, and just take control over my future.
  • sandrita248
    sandrita248 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm 119lb (54kg) and 4,95ft (151cm) I've been always in diets and trying to weight less but atm I don't want to try another crazy and agressive non-sense diet, I want to start eating correctly, clean and feeling good with myself.

    My goal is to remove the lower tummy and the inner thigh fat that has been always there and despite all the diets it still remains the same!!! :s

    I'm extremely demanding of myself and that is the main reason I always give up when I don't see fast results...this time of course I want to see results but I'm aware that the journey will be long and all I need is patience and calm....step by step all of us will achieve our goals! :)
  • lj_wu
    lj_wu Posts: 5 Member
    Alright! It's so refreshing to know that we are in this TOGETHER! I'm so excited :smile:

    Let's regularly update each other on where we are in our journeys to our goals, what we've done that's worked, what we've done that *hasn't* worked, and our day-to-days :blush:

    @sjdaulton8542 Welcome! Tell us about you :smile:
    @roz0810 Alright! Any recommendations on what to focus on?
    @ecrispi Welome! Please tell us about your goals :smiley:
    @ambersmiley It's great to meet you. Thank you so much for your honesty. I look forward to following your health journey in these next couple months together! What kinds of things are you doing right now to achieve your goals?
    @sandrita248 Hola! I *love* that this is cross-cultural and transatlantic!!! I so feel that -- I have such high standards that it's easy to just give up when there aren't immediate results. Do you have any methods/foods/exercises/etc. in particular that you're going to try out in the next couple months?

    Also, friends: I was curious about your thoughts on Water Fasting. Would you try it? Is it worth it? Is it safe? I'd love to hear what you think!

    Here's a video on it in case you want to know more details: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DghrZNUP5vo&amp;t=1s
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,243 Member
    Hey lj!
    I mainly lost it through calorie counting and some exercise. Simples. But it took time!
  • lj_wu
    lj_wu Posts: 5 Member
    Hi friends! It's been about a month since our last interactions. Let's get some updates :) How are we doing??

    Here's my update:
    I'm now 127lbs, and I've update my exercising and started to do light jog-walking! I'm very excited about it :) I've also started to hone in more on the Keto diet. I'm moving at about the pace I need to in order to get to 120lb at the end of June, but I know it just gets harder the closer you are to your goal, haha. I've now got 1 month (Almost exactly) to lost that last 7 pounds.

    My daily plan is to hit about 1400net cal/food, but also to exercise *at least* 300cal/day. About 50% of that is knocked out just by two 10-minute runs! And the other half has me doing about four 7-9 minute exercises dispersed throughout my work day. I'm also drinking on average 75oz of water a day and getting on average 7.5hr of sleep/night.

    Thoughts? Advice? I welcome all of it!