stress? pms? depression?

I don't know what is it...but lately, i've been COMPLETELY unmotivated.
I have these big plans for losing weight before our wedding, and something will make me upset and I'll go EAT away my anger.
What?? My mom didn't remember my birthday and made plans to be out of town instead of spending it with me?? CANDY BARS AND POTATO CHIPS FOR ME!!
What?? My sister's refusing to do her part as maid of honor at our wedding?? SLEEP ALL DAY AND SLUSHIES FOR ME!!
I've always known i'm an emotional eater, but it seems soooo much worse right now. I know my Dan-o is taking most of the heat here...... seeing as he's the one who here's all the complaining (about emotional things, which leads to eating things, which leads to me whining about being fat) and he's being such a sweetheart....
i'm sick of so much right now...
i wish i could just stop being me, and start being who i want to be. stable...
just so much weighing on my mind. and i can't do anything about it.

so tell me... stress??pms?? depression??


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Take control. You don't have to behave this way. It doesn't matter why you are doing it - sort that out later. Just stop it.
  • amymunn
    amymunn Posts: 115 Member
    honestly, go talk to someone. it can help you alotttttt. you have to get through the emotional, mind part of being overweight and emotional eating before you can actually truly lose all the weight.

    I think if you went and talked to someone it would help you tremendously!

  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Watch an episode of Bridezillas. Don't be that.

    Hurting yourself when you feel hurt is not a good strategy.
  • wearystar
    wearystar Posts: 72 Member
    i totally identify with you on this. it's how i used to- and often do still cope with things.
    next time you're feeling upset or angry or frustrated go to the gym instead you will find that working your anger out on the elliptical (or treadmill or stairmaster- what ever is your machine) will be much more rewarding than eating away the pain. i actually feel that i get over the issue much more quickly and that i also work out much more intensely.

    i hope things work out... all that stuff is really crappy.
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    It's probably all of the above. I certainly have been there. What I have come to know now though is that even though others may not act very considerate at times, they are still not the ones making the decisions to emotionally eat. We are. We need to take charge and make better choices and decisions for ourselves.

    One trick I have done is if I feel I need to pig out, I'll grab my bag of baby carrots instead. Or, I can choose to do something else that will occupy my time in a more positive way. I can also choose to be good to myself, especially if others around you are not. For example, I had one birthday similar to yours and I decided to have a day to myself treating myself to fun things I wanted to do. I had a massage (or bubble bath if you are on a budget), went to thrift stores for fun, treated myself to lunch at my favorite place, and watched a chick flick that my BF at the time would not have wanted to see. I ended up having a fantastic day even though it was just little ol' me.

    It's tough to realize that we need to make better choices. It's so easy to grab the bag of chips instead, but since I have made the choice to make better decisions to get more on track to where I want to be in the future, my present moments have been part of the fun as well. I hope this makes sense.

    It's times like these we need to keep reminding ourselves of who we want to be and why we want these better things for ourselves. Perhaps this will help to motivate you to make good choices and decisions too.

    Best wishes and small changes do add up!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    You're always going to be you. You just need to learn to start liking that person no matter what she looks like, and treat her well. Until then, fake it 'til you make it. Act like you possess the qualities you wish you possessed until you actually do.
  • you have to change your focus... i used to be a emotional eater myself... then i realized that i was self destroying myself... you can be your worse enemy... stop thinking what other ppl do to you... belive in yourself you can and will do this.... change the focus... go for a walk,drink extra water or munch on raw carrots... put pictures of yourself in front of the mirror that u dont like or on the fridge door... reward yourself with a new things [other than food] surround yourself with supportive ppl avoid the negatives one... love yourself! how can you take care of someone if you dont love yourself first? have baby goals... you can do this! =]
  • fitnfun1
    fitnfun1 Posts: 234 Member
    You're always going to be you. You just need to learn to start liking that person no matter what she looks like, and treat her well. Until then, fake it 'til you make it. Act like you possess the qualities you wish you possessed until you actually do.

    Thumbs up for this response! :happy:
  • Your emotional eating may be worse now because you are in the wedding planning stages. What is meant to be an exciting time often is very stressful! I can't tell you if it's stress or depression or what because I don't know you and I think you have to figure out the deep down reasons you do this. You are used to turning to food for comfort, so that's what you do, then you beat yourself up because you are trying to change your life, which then leads to more stress and probably more emotional eating.

    You have to find another source of comfort and another way to deal with your anger and stress. I am an emotional eater too, and I need to work on this myself.

    I'm not sure how to encourage you. Don't stop being you, just work on being a healthier and happier you. That will come one step at a time.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    You are the master of your own destiny. We choose how we will react to a's completely within your control to not be negative in your reactions and just keep moving in your life without doing self destructive things based on other's actions.
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    i totally identify with you on this. it's how i used to- and often do still cope with things.
    next time you're feeling upset or angry or frustrated go to the gym instead you will find that working your anger out on the elliptical (or treadmill or stairmaster- what ever is your machine) will be much more rewarding than eating away the pain. i actually feel that i get over the issue much more quickly and that i also work out much more intensely.

    WORKOUT! The endorphins will help you feel better and the exercise will tire out those nerves and make you have peaceful thoughts. If you must nibble, pick some protein and a bottle of water. That might help reduce the cravings.
  • glockster972
    glockster972 Posts: 704 Member
    One step at a time, one day at a time. Everything will work out.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    "Hurting yourself when you feel hurt is not a good strategy"

  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Grab him by the hand go to Vegas at the Hitching Post , get married stress over. My husband got married there 35 dollars for the license 75 dollars for both rings. We were married for 23 years until death do us part he passed in 2006 never regretted a minute of it. We also never replaced our cheap rings I still wear his. After the wedding we had a reception. Saved thousands of dollars and had great memories
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    You're always going to be you. You just need to learn to start liking that person no matter what she looks like, and treat her well. Until then, fake it 'til you make it. Act like you possess the qualities you wish you possessed until you actually do.

    What she said! No matter what the reason, YOU are the only one who can control it. I am totally a stress eater and, before peri-menopause :), I felt incredibly hungry right before my period started. But once I realized and accepted I was the only one who could do anything about it and when I realized that I was the one in control of my reactions to what other people did.. it was completely LIBERATING. It gave me the knowledge and power I needed to work on those issues. It's also so "peaceful" for lack of a better word to not expend that emotional and mental energy on things that got me nowhere.

    You can do it… sometimes it takes baby steps. Maybe your honey can help. When he sees you starting to go down the bad road, he can calmly, lovingly, make you aware of it. Just don't snap his head off … but if you do be sure to apologize profusely and ASAP. :)

    Good Luck.