Jin_tan Posts: 8 Member
So this diet got allover the place, I’ve tried everything the OMAD,IF, super low calorie restriction diet, water fast and yep none of them worked.
So.. I started keto, done it for a month and it worked wonders cuz I’ve lost 4LBS water weight, i do feel lighter, my skin got glowy, appetite was suppressed And thankfully I’ve just had a slight effects of the KETO FLU.
Leg cramps, the breath (ickk), and being super cranky all the time which is not me cuz I’m a neutral person. So yeah, it does work wonders but there are negative effects as well, not good for long term, and sadly i got back all the weight I’ve lost. If you cannot give up bread, pasta and fruits.. don’t try


  • harper16
    harper16 Posts: 2,564 Member
    edited April 2020
    Instead of trying a bunch of fad diets, why don't you try counting calories, weighing your food, and setting realistic goals for weight loss.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Have you tried eating foods you like (and provide an overall healthy diet) in the appropriate quantities for an extended period of time?

    It really doesn't have to be as complicated or as extreme as you have been doing.
    On the positive side you have found what doesn't work though your own experimentation. Hopefully a big part of that learning process is that weight loss doesn't have to be quick, dramatic or totally hateful.

    Maybe try to think how to make the process as easy as possible? Diets (noun and verb) don't have to be a punishment!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,639 Member
    Maybe try this (though it doesn't make for really interesting conversations with your friends like the popular named "diets" ;) ):
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    I tried keto a few months back just cuz I figured it was all the foods I love anyways, ugh I've never felt so terrible! My stomach was a wreck, I was dizzy, had insomnia, etc it just wasn't worth it for me but everyone is different
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited April 2020
    jm_1234 wrote: »
    I didn't enjoy it either when I tried it. I got heartburn easily and my workouts suffered. After a few months I don't think I became adapted. Fat loss was no better than any other diet.

    That's a fallacy statement thrown out anyway - why you found it the same as other diets.
    Only extra fat being burned is replacing the carbs your brain would be using otherwise. That's not nearly as big a metabolic burning organ as others, so not that much extra.
    Your body already spends the vast part of it's day burning mainly fat anyway. (depending on exercise intensity, more carbs may be burned and that doesn't change)
    Except after a meal where it burns what you just ate unless the protein and carbs are being sent off to replenish stores, which they usually are. Usually no net sum change. Just a change of what is burned when.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    If you are experiencing keto flu (keto breath is normal and not "keto flu"), then that means you are not getting enough electrolytes. Add salt to your food, take magnesium in a highly absorbed form. Keto flu is due to insufficient electrolyte levels.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    jm_1234 wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    That's a fallacy statement thrown out anyway - why you found it the same as other diets.

    What do you mean by fallacy statement? My personal experience or keto's fat adaptation? If my experience, how can my personal experience be a fallacy statement and which one? Just curious, my perceived exertion and fat loss results were measured.

    There are also studies about exertion on keto.

    I think he's referring to whole "fat adapted" myth. Yes, people become more fat adapted on keto. But that is primarily a competition advantage for endurance athletes. But they burn dietary fat not body fat.

    Some keto proponents claim this causes great body fat loss. It doesn't. That still all comes down to energy in vs. energy out. Multiple studies and meta-analyses have show that fat loss for keto is no different than on any other calorie restricted diet. It has no metabolic advantage for fat loss over any other form of calorie reduction.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    mmapags wrote: »
    jm_1234 wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    That's a fallacy statement thrown out anyway - why you found it the same as other diets.

    What do you mean by fallacy statement? My personal experience or keto's fat adaptation? If my experience, how can my personal experience be a fallacy statement and which one? Just curious, my perceived exertion and fat loss results were measured.

    There are also studies about exertion on keto.

    I think he's referring to whole "fat adapted" myth. Yes, people become more fat adapted on keto. But that is primarily a competition advantage for endurance athletes. But they burn dietary fat not body fat.

    Some keto proponents claim this causes great body fat loss. It doesn't. That still all comes down to energy in vs. energy out. Multiple studies and meta-analyses have show that fat loss for keto is no different than on any other calorie restricted diet. It has no metabolic advantage for fat loss over any other form of calorie reduction.

    Yep - I've been maintaining body fat levels for years and am fat adapted. I normally run marathons fasting for about 20-30 hrs, though, so I'm using body fat. Then I'm replacing that body fat almost always before the next marathon. This can easily be done with a week between races... only exception was the 2 marathons in the same weekend that I did in November. But after the ins and outs over a month's time, let's say, the only way I could lose body fat is if I eat less fat. There is this misunderstanding common among the keto crowd that one must "add more fat" and eat "fat bombs" to lose body fat. That's not how it works at all. If you are eating keto and want to lose body fat, you need to eat less than you are using. If you want to eat keto and maintain body fat, then you can do what I do and eat about the same as what is used.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    edited April 2020
    jm_1234 wrote: »
    heybales wrote: »
    That's a fallacy statement thrown out anyway - why you found it the same as other diets.

    What do you mean by fallacy statement? My personal experience or keto's fat adaptation? If my experience, how can my personal experience be a fallacy statement and which one? Just curious, my perceived exertion and fat loss results were measured.

    There are also studies about exertion on keto.

    Yes I was referring to the fat adaptation - hence my further comments being on the fat burn aspect.

    mmapags described it well.

    ETA - interesting study.