Zumba at home

Does anyone Zumba at home? I love the classes but times like now, I'd love to get up and shake it! I was just looking on this site and found this Zumba pack I'm interested in purchasing. Does anyone own this or any other DVDS?



  • Gretchen22276
    I and my sister both have Zumba for Wii......... very very fun!!!!! looking into getting the video series for this winter because We Love It!!!!
  • acegem82
    acegem82 Posts: 5 Member
    That looks good the dvd pack. I also do wii Zumba and love it!! xx
  • chookmum
    hi, its not the dvds but i bought the zumba game and having been doing the class everyday and i love it, even got the kids envolved now. lol. Even my 3 yr old likes to join in, definetly a good workout and addictive lol
  • mrshickey
    zumba for the Wii is great. if u dnt fancy a game, im sure the DVDs would be great too, after all, the game is based on the real thing!!!
  • Lisiebird
    I don't have the full Exhilarate set but I do own 2 of the DVDs from that set (Mix and Exhilarate) . They're both pretty good and fun.
  • Tralee1111
    Tralee1111 Posts: 2,039 Member
    I have the last two Zumba sets. Love the Cardio Party from the last set and the Activate from Exhiliration set. The live ones are a little hard to follow since they pan off of the stage a lot. But I love doing the dvds. A lot more comfortable doing it at home than going to a class.

    I ordered Exhiliration directly from their website and two of the dvds were defective. They are sending me two new dvds to replace those, which is good customer service in this day and age!
  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I have the Zumba DVD;s. I love them and have did them in the past. I recently went to a few classes at my gym (finally got the nerve up) and I did really like it but it seemed to me it was more cardio than zumbaing... but maybe it's just cuz I'm used to the dvd's. I have did my dvd's at home again the last few days and I love it alot more than the classes. But I know too that every teacher is different or so I've heard. I'm going to another class on Tuesday with a different teacher so i'll see wht I think about it. I did burn about 100 cal. more in the class than at home. But it was also about 15 min longer. It seems like the DVD;s work more on certain body parts too. I love love love the Ab one!!