Low carb and Low fat

Msdaytime Posts: 3 Member
I am trying to loose weight. I am 5”6 and I weigh 235.2 lbs. I am a diabetic so I need a low carb and low fat meal suggestions. I can’t seem to find the right ones. I also am having trouble setting the goal. It seems to change up on me. Any help would be truly appreciated. I would like to loose 1-2 lbs a week. I will be 50 in October and I really would like to be in the 1 hundred club by then or on my way close. I can love around good and don’t mind excercising either.


  • Redordeadhead
    Redordeadhead Posts: 1,188 Member
    edited April 2020
    Both low carb and low fat can be hard to achieve as that basically means eating high protein for every meal. Lean meats such as chicken and fish, low fat dairy like cottage cheese and Greek yoghurt may help. Is there a reason for choosing low fat?

    For the calorie goal, enter your weight and height in the MFP guided set up and select "lose 1lb per week" (or 1.5lb in the beginning) - what does that give you? You should eat this number, plus at least some of the additional calories you earn from exercise. I highly recommend using a food scale to weigh as much of your food as possible as it's much more accurate than measuring cups and using the packaging figures.

    Weight loss will come primarily from controlling what you eat. Exercise for good health.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,846 Member
    Did you doctor say you need to eat low fat as well, or is that something you need to do in order to lose bodyfat? Maybe ask for a referable to a registered dietician (not a nutritionist)
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    People that go low carb typically go higher in fat because going both low carb and low fat would be incredibly restrictive and very expensive. I'd also guess that it would be lacking in essential nutrients too. Asking for a referral to see a registered dietician who specialises in diabetes would be a great place for you to start to get advice which is most suited to your medical needs.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,138 Member
    You lose weight by controlling your calories.
    Your calories can be made out of all the macros, including alcohol, carbs, fats, and proteins.
    You probably don't want to get too many calories out of alcohol... well, other than for special occasions!

    Depending on how you are controlling your diabetes there may be certain carb targets that you may be wanting/needing to hit. Your diabetes educator/nurse, or a registered dietitian may be the best to discuss these with.

    Even when losing weight you need to eat enough calories to both sustain your life and activity and to ensure that you lose your weight in a healthy and reasonable manner.
    Since you only have four things that can make up your calories and alcohol and carbs are probably in the "should control category", this only leaves you with two categories: fats and proteins.

    High protein diets do tend to be more satiating for fewer calories, and protein levels as high a 1g per lb of goal weight within the normal weight range, a level about twice as high as the current RDI, have considerable support in the literature (in fact even higher levels have some support). But that still probably amounts to no more than 600 Calories a day. Which means that the rest of it will probably have to come from healthy fats.