Premium tracking

Just wondering if anyone uses (pays for) the premium, does it give you more information on nutrition? I noticed only certain vitamins show up in the nutrition section. I’d like to see others (example vitamin D). Maybe I’m asking for too much.
Not a big deal, thought maybe someone would know. 🙂


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    No, it's the same database you have with the free version.
  • MrsSylvie
    MrsSylvie Posts: 301 Member
    only thing i noticed in the nutrition report area that is different is that i get to now see which foods i eat are the highest (to lowest) in each nutrient. for me this info, and also being able to set my own micronutrients goals to meet my low carb/keto diet needs, makes premium well worth least for now. there’s other stuff available to premium members but, i don’t believe it is anything a simple web search cannot also provide you as well. for me premium is just good for food diary related needs.