Any other brides loosing weight before their Wedding?

Hi All,

I have joined my fitness pal to loose 10 kilos before my Wedding - I have lost 3 - 7 to go, wooo!

Looking for anyone who is in a similar situation to help with motivation and more importantly healthy yet yummy meal ideas!

Thank you :)



  • Sez1983

    I too am getting married and want to look my best on the day. Although I wasn't going to diet or 'watch what I ate' I went for my dress fitting three weeks ago and it felt a little snug - especially around the chest/back area. As I want to be able to breath on the day, I decided something needed to be done.

    How long till your wedding?
  • nae1964
    Where are you from? I have been losing weight with Body Bi Vi but don't think you can get it outside of the US yet. I love it. You dan check out a video at
  • ritajean3
    ritajean3 Posts: 306 Member
    Mine is not next weekend the weekend after. I have lost 6kg so far and can't see a real difference my main focus until the wedding is toning my arms. I have been doing lost of ab work too to try and firm that area up. I am hoping to be as toned as possible by then. My dress fit well 6kg ago lol haven't tried it on since but I have large brests and it is a medium so I am sure it will still fit.

    My hens night is next weekend and we are coming to my house after dinner so I am sure to loose weight this week just running around cleaning! The wedding is in our yard too so I have that to tidy up aswel lol.

    When are you getting married?
  • bsgickas
    bsgickas Posts: 1 Member
    I am getting married July 21st 2012. ... so lots of time.. but a lot of work to do. I'm looking to lose about 36 pounds or 16 kilos... and I could use all the help I can get. We just recently took our engagement pictures and when I got home and looked at them I broke down into tears... that was when I knew I had to do something..
    So yes... I could use a friend in a similar situation to keep me motivated.
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    I too started my fitness plan to try and look good in a wedding dress. My wedding is October 2012 and I just started. I'm hoping to lose 54 lbs by the time all is said and done. Ideally I would like to be down another 40 after that. We really want to start a family as soon as we get married and my doctor said I really should be under 200lbs before that happens. My fiance is on board with this healthy lifestyle and is a great support. The people on here seem to be very supportive. I've only been here a couple of days and I'm already hooked. Good luck with everything and friend me if you want to continue talking during your weight loss. We can also swap planning stories along the way if you want!
  • Ldyonamission
    Good Evening Everyone,

    My nickname is Lady and i've been utilizing my fitness pal since the latter part of 2010 and i really worked for me I had lost approximately 14.6 pounds by March of 2011. I had kept this weight off until around June 2011 after celebrating my oldest childs wedding May 28, 2011.

    Soon after returning from that vacation I lost focus and stopped doing my regular daily workouts of 5 mile walks as well as my zumba and strength training. Then my middle child was diagnosed with a illness requiring surgery and so my focus has allowed me to stress eat needless to say all of the weight i had lost i've regained.

    I'm am do to be married August 25, 2012 and so today is my first day beginning my lifestyle change and my effort to relose the weight i lost earlier this year. I'm posiitve I can do and just remain focused on the goal good health and getting into that size 12 wedding dress i so desire to wear.

    There is no such thing as failing, or falling if you do just start again.the picture you see of me with the short hair cut was me in June 2010 at 212 pounds. The newest pics in the black dress i was 197s. Well my basic goal is to lose 30 pounds by Aug and this is a very achievable goal permitting me no stress.

    Just remember grab a friend vent and do some form of exercise rain, sleet, heat or snow. We can not, not do anything. So today I achieved my first 4 mile walk in to months. So fellow brides lets unite and encourage one another and know that we can achieve this together.

    Congratulations to each of you on your upcoming nuptials but most of all achieving the weight loss you desire.

